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Narrative Essay Help
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Civil 1 Review Syllabus
 Now they are lumped together as ‘illegitimate. ’ Thus, misleading kids are given rights. 2. Various answers for old issues †¢ Example: Change in waterway course 3. Explanation of old arrangements †¢ Example: Under the old Civil Code, there were just void and voidable agreements. With the expansion of unenforceable and rescissible agreements, the NCC gives explanation 4. Certain subjects overlooked †¢ Examples: The share has been precluded; certain leases have likewise been discarded. The NCC is a long way from great. There are basic defects.Certain things which ought to be in the fundamental segment are found somewhere else. A case of this is the indecencies of assent. For what reason would they say they are found in contracts? They are pertinent in every single juridical exchange. Another model is the subject of degrees of relationship. This is discovered distinctly in progression. Degrees of relationship are significant in different books as well. At last, for what reason is custom found in the law on deals? Convention isn't just significant in deals. Or maybe, custom is a method of getting possession. Starter TITLE I. Impact and Application of Laws Art. 1.This Act will be known as the â€Å"Civil Code of the Philippines. †Art. 2. Laws will produce results following fifteen days following the fulfillment of their distribution in the Official Gazette, except if it is in any case given. This Code will produce results one year after such distribution. †¢ ‘This code will produce results 1 year after such distribution. ’ The SC on account of Lara versus Del Rosario that the one year ought to be tallied from the date of real discharge and not the date of issue. †¢ Executive Order No. 200 supplants Article 2 with respect to the hour of effectivity of laws. Official ORDER NO. 00 PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF LAWS EITHER IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OR IN A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE PHILIPPINES AS A REQUIREMENT FOR THEIR EFFECTIVITY WHEREAS, Article 2 of the Civil Code somewhat gives that â€Å"laws will produce results following fifteen days following the fulfillment of their distribution in the Official Gazette, except if it is in any case given . . . †; WHEREAS, the prerequisite that for laws to be successful just a distribution thereof in the Official Gazette will do the trick has involved a few issues, a point perceived by the Supreme Court in Tanada, et al. versus Tuvera, et al. (G. R. No. 3915, December 29, 1986) when it saw that â€Å"[t]here is a lot to be said of the view that the distribution need not be made in the Official Gazette, considering its whimsical discharge and restricted readership†; WHEREAS, it was in like manner saw that â€Å"[u]ndoubtedly, papers of general course could more readily play out the capacity of imparting the laws to the individuals as such periodicals are all the more effectively accessible, have a more extensive read ership, and come out regularly†; and WHEREAS, taking into account the previous premises Article 2 of the Civil Code ought to likewise be revised so the laws to be powerful should be distributed either in the Official Gazette or in a paper of general flow in the nation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by temperance of the forces vested in me by the Constitution, do thusly arrange: Sec. 1.Laws will produce results following fifteen days following the finishing of their distribution either in the Official Gazette or in a paper of general flow in the Philippines, except if it is in any case given. Sec. 2. Article 2 of Republic Act No. 386, also called the â€Å"Civil Code of the Philippines,†and every single other law conflicting with this Executive Order are thusly revoked or adjusted in like manner. Sec. 3. This Executive Order will produce results following its distribution in the Official Gazette. Done in the City of Manila, this eig hteenth day of June, in the time of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven. †¢ ‘15 days following’ †does this mean on the fifteenth or sixteenth day? The law isn't clear. †¢ Under Article 2, distribution in the Official Gazette was necessary.Now, under E. O. No. 200, distribution may either be in the Official Gazette or a paper of general distribution. †¢ ‘unless in any case provided’ alludes to when the law will produce results. It doesn't imply that distribution can be shed. Something else, that would be an infringement of fair treatment. †¢ General Rule: Laws must be distributed in either the Official Gazette or a paper of general dissemination. †¢ Exception: The law may accommodate another way of distribution. Diverse way meaning: 1. Not in Official Gazette or paper of general flow; or Example: Read over the TV or the radio (given that the option is sensible) 2.Change in the time of effectivity †¢ ‘publicati on’ implies making it known; dispersal. It doesn’t must be recorded as a hard copy. †¢ ‘Change time of effectivity’ †the hole among distribution and effectivity ought to be sensible considering the present situation. †¢ Before distribution, can't have any significant bearing the law whether reformatory or common (Pesigan versus Angeles) Why? How might you be bound on the off chance that you don’t know the law. †¢ Requirement of distribution applies to all laws and is obligatory. Craftsmanship. 3. Numbness of the law pardons nobody from consistence therewith. †¢ Ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Ignorance of the law pardons nobody). †¢ This is a fundamental guideline for all acculturated society.Otherwise it is difficult to authorize the law. It is extremely difficult to decide if an individual truly doesn't have a clue about the law. Without this standard, there would be disorder. The law penances infrequent cruelty to forestall all inclusive political agitation. †¢ There are potential strategies to relieve the seriousness of Article 3 †Articles 526 (3), 2155, 1334. * †¢ In Kasilag versus Rodriguez, the SC said that the ownership of the antichretic credit as ownership in accordance with some basic honesty since a troublesome inquiry of law was included †antichresis. For this situation, the gatherings were not entirely proficient of the law. †¢ Article 3 applies just to obliviousness of Philippine law. It doesn't have any significant bearing to remote law.In Private International Law, outside law must be demonstrated regardless of whether it is material. Something else, the courts will assume the remote law to be equivalent to Philippine law. Workmanship. 4. Laws will have no retroactive impact, except if the opposite is given. †¢ Lex de futuro judex de preterito (The law accommodates the future, the appointed authority for the past). †¢ Retroactive law †one which makes another commitment and forces another obligation or joins another handicap regarding exchanges or contemplations effectively past. †¢ General Rule: Law must be applied tentatively. †¢ Exceptions: 1. In the event that the rule accommodates retroactivity. Special case to the exemption: a. Ex post facto laws b. Laws which disable the commitment of agreements 2.Penal laws to the extent that it favors the charged who is certainly not an ongoing crook, despite the fact that at the hour of the institution of such law last sentence has just been rendered. 3. Healing laws as long as it doesn't influence or change vested rights. 4. At the point when the law makes new considerable rights except if vested rights are debilitated. 5. Therapeudic laws (the reason for existing is to fix deformities or defects in legal or managerial procedures) 6. Interpretative laws 7. Laws which are of crisis nature or are approved by police power (Santos versus Alvarez; PNB versus Office of the President) Art. 5. Acts executed against the arrangements of obligatory or prohibitory laws will be void, aside from when the law itself approves their legitimacy. †¢ An obligatory law is one which endorses some component as a necessity (I. e. wills must be composed †Article 804(; type of gifts †Article 749†¢) †¢ A prohibitory law is one which precludes something (I. e. , joint wills †Article 818() †¢ General Rule: Acts which are in opposition to obligatory or denied laws are void. †¢ Exceptions: 1. At the point when the law itself approved its legitimacy (I. e. , lotto, sweepstakes) 2. At the point when the law makes the demonstration just voidable and not void (I. e. , if assent is vitiated, the agreement is voidable and not void) 3. At the point when the law makes the demonstration substantial however rebuffs the violator (I. e. , if the marriage is commended by somebody without legitimate position however the gatherings are in accordan ce with some basic honesty, the marriage is substantial yet the individual who wedded the gatherings is at risk) 4.When the law makes the demonstration void yet perceives lawful impacts streaming hence (I. e. , Articles 1412 and 1413() Art. 6. Rights might be deferred, except if the waiver is in opposition to law, open request, open strategy, ethics, or great traditions, or biased to a third individual with a privilege perceived by law. †¢ What one can defer are rights and not commitments. Model, a leaser can forgo the credit however the indebted person may not. †¢ There is no structure required for a waiver since a waiver is discretionary. You can forgo by minor inaction, declining to gather an obligation for instance is a type of waiver. †¢ Requisites of a substantial waiver (Herrera versus Boromeo) 1. Presence of a correct 2. Information on the presence of the privilege 3.An expectation to surrender the right (inferred in this is the ability to discard the right) à ¢â‚¬ ¢ General Rule: Rights can be deferred. †¢ Exceptions: 1. In the event that waiver is in opposition to law, open request, open strategy, ethics or great traditions 2. In the event that the waiver would be biased to an outsider with a privilege perceived by law. (e. g. , If An owes B P10M, B can’t postpone the credit if B owes C and B has no different resources. ) †¢ Examples of waivers which are disallowed: 1. Renouncement of future legacy 2. Waiver of the security of pactum commissorium 3. Waiver of future help 4. Waiver of work benefits ahead of time 5. Waiver of the lowest pay permitted by law 6. Waiver of the option to disavow a will Art. 7.Laws a
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
?oncept Essay on Love Sample
?oncept Essay on Love Sample When you ask yourself or somebody else what love is, the answer will be usually different as the explanation depends on our personal perception and understanding of love. Any love is associated with positive feelings. It is definitely opposite to such notions like hate and anger, which carry destruction and accumulation of negative feelings. As a rule, people speak about love and describe it from the standpoint of personal experience. As the proverb says: many men, many minds. However, it has been always depicted as some special feeling. It should be noted that there various kind of love. For example, love between sister and brother or love between mother and son will differ from love between a man and a woman. There is also love that is a higher feeling than just a physical passion. We are human beings. We should not forget about it. This factor makes us special and unique. We all feel and express love in our own manner. It is something that we cannot live without. Love penetrates all our life and makes it fantastic. It fills it with happiness and joy. It brings a lot of excitement. Maybe sometimes love can be a bit sad and disappointing, especially when you need to part. We should understand that love between people can’t last forever. When you take something you usually have to give something back. When you run out of feelings, you part with your partner. From the viewpoint of psychology, there are the five love languages. They all differ by our actions, words, physical and emotional feelings. Nevertheless, the most important thing here is that when you love, you are happy and want to spend more time with the loved person. Today, we can find a lot of hot discussions about love on many topics. Just think about them. God and love: what is common between them? How to transform your hate into love? Can love exist without sex? Is it possible to fall in love at the first sight? Is there anything in common between love and a habit? Have to fall in love and not to climb the walls? Is it possible to love at 80? Is there eternal love and what kind of love is it? Today people can’t live without feelings and love. They discuss topics related to love every day. They will probably do it even in 100 years. Who knows maybe there will be love between robots? Time will tell. Love is everywhere and it has always been. There are many songs about this paramount feeling. There are a lot of books, poems, films, pictures devoted to love. Moreover, long telephone talks, letters, and dating are things that are associated with love. Interpersonal affection influences the kind of love as we can love our parents, husband, wife, friends, relatives, teacher, grandma, cat, flower and so on. The list is really very comprehensive as our human nature awarded us with such a wonderful ability to love and appreciate other people and things.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Common Seal - Phoca vitulina - The Animal Encyclopedia
The common seal (Phoca vitulina), also known as the harbor seal, is an agile carnivore with a streamlined body and flipper-like limbs that enable them to swim with great skill. Common seals have a thick coat of short hair. Their fur color varies from off white, to gray, to tan or brown. Common seals have a unique pattern of spots across their body and in some individuals this pattern is more distinct than in others. Their nostrils are V-shaped and can be closed tightly to prevent water from entering their nose when they swim. Common seals do not have an outer ear structure, which helps with streamlining in the water. Common seals occupy the widest range of all the seal species. They inhabit the coastal areas of the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. They can be found throughout the arctic, subarctic, and temperate regions. Their habitat preference includes coastal islands, beaches, and sand bars. There are between 300,000 and 500,000 common seals living in the wild. Seal hunting once threatened the species but is now illegal in most countries. Some populations of common seals are threatened, even though the species as a whole is not. For example, populations that are declining include those of Greenland, the Baltic Sea, and Japan. Killing by humans still poses a threat in these areas, as does disease. Some common seals are killed intentionally to protect fish stocks or by commercial hunters. Other common seals are killed as bycatch by fishing activities. Common seals are protected by various countries by legislation such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (in the United States) and the Conservation of Seals Act of 1970 (in the United Kingdom). Common seals feed on a variety of fish as prey including cod, whitefish, anchoview, and sea bass. They also sometimes eat crustaceans (shrimps, crab) and mollusks. They feed while at sea and sometimes forage long distances or dive to considerable depths to find food. After foraging, they return to resting sites on the coast or on islands where they rest and recover. There are about 25,000 Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richarii) that live along the California coast. Members of this population remain close to shore where they feed in the intertidal zone. On the east coast, Western Atlantic harbor seals (Phoca vitulina concolor) are present on the coast and islands of New England. They spend the winter further north along the coast of Canada and migrate south to the New England area to breed. Breeding occurs in May through June. Size and Weight About 6.5 feet long and up to 370 pounds. Males are generally larger than females. Classification Common seals are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Mammals Pinnipeds Phocidae Phoca Phoca vitulina Common seals are divided into the following subspecies: Eastern Atlantic harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) - Eastern Atlantic harbor seals are found along the coastlines of Europe.Insular seal (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) - Insular seals are found in eastern Asia.Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richarii) - Pacific harbor seals are found along the coastlines of western North America.Ungava seal (Phoca vitulina mellonae) - Ungava seals are freshwater seals that inhabit eastern Canada.Western Atlantic harbor seal (Phoca vitulina concolor) - Western Atlantic harbor seals are found along the east coast of North America.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Career as a Navy Physician - 874 Words
Out of many jobs being a Naval Physician is one of the most rewarding! This job allows extensively trained medics to help our soldiers and those less fortunate at home and abroad. I have chosen this topic because it is what interests me as a future career. A physician is defined as a person qualified to practice medicine which I realize is a very broad definition, but it’s history is very rich. The practice of being a physician can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The first recorded physician was Hippocrates of Ancient Greek who lived two thousand and five hundred years ago, but some of his methods still affect modern practices. Later, other great civilizations followed suit in developing medical theories from diagnosis to†¦show more content†¦Members may also work in the highly acclaimed National Navy Medical Centers within the United States to stay close to home. Among the on land facilities Navy physicians may be sent to work on one of two dedicated hospita l ships the USNS Comfort or the USNS Mercy. At times this career will be stressful, there will be much interaction with others, and may be dangerous but the end result is very rewarding. Navy physicians will work with the most advanced and recent tools and techniques in medicine to allow much safer conditions for you and the patients. In summary a Navy physicians work environment is pretty safe, low on stress, and very rewarding. (Navy Doctor: Move Your Medical Career beyond Routine Physician.) As a military doctor you have a few but important tasks to follow. These doctors must provide top of the line medical care to sailors, marines, service members, their families, and if called upon humanity at large. Other than that you will do what a regular physician does and simply diagnose ailments, treat injuries, and occasionally save lives. Out of routine Navy doctors will work side-by-side on disaster relief efforts with FEMA, USAID, and Project Hope by providing medical care to those people in need. (Navy Doctor: Move Your Medical Career beyondShow MoreRelatedWhat Do I See Myself Doing When I Get Out Of College?1221 Words  | 5 Pagesget out of college? After college there are five careers I think I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. The careers I see myself enjoying is a pediatrician, athletic trainer, high school or college basketball coach, ESPN sports analyst or joining the Navy. The following paragraphs will explain the educational requirements, best college to attend, how many years of schooling, the salary and benefits of each career. Enjoy my paper. 1st career I will talk about is a Pediatrician. I would likeRead MoreWhat Do I See Myself Doing When I Get Out Of College?1314 Words  | 6 Pagesout of college? After college there are five careers I think I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. 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The last section will describe a conflict and how I resolved it; and also how I would change the way I handled it. The following communication skills are important in my career field. Having a great attitude is a plus as a medical assistant
Charitable Organization and British Way Free Essays
The article â€Å"The advert that beggars belief†by Alexander Chancellor is about beggars in India and Great Britain, they talk about how many beggars there are and what they are using their money on when they get some. Many people try to convince themselves that it’s a stupid idea to give beggars money because they use them quite often on many stupid things. Westminster Council making a campaign there says if you give beggars money you â€Å"actually’ are guilty in cause of theirs death. We will write a custom essay sample on Charitable Organization and British Way or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a bad campaign because they give a wakeup call to people and says it is a bad thing to give money to beggars and you should not do it, because you don’t know what they are going to use their money on and if you do It you can cause their deaths. They call you to stop giving them money. 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed In texts. The four texts show the different views of giving charity, there are many ways to donate money today, from when you give a coin to a beggar you see at the streets to end a text on your mobile phone to a charitable organization. The article â€Å"the advert that beggars belief’ has a negative attitude to beggars, In Britain they don’t want to give beggars money because they says It can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps†we hear about the British way of thinking to Improve our own and our families lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. It Is a conservative way to think everyone has to be equal. In the article â€Å"the year of charltalnment†they talked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolle helps to focus on Sierra Leone. 3. Comment on the following statement â€Å"to Improve our own and our families’ lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. †In the text â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps†It Is the Brltlsh way of thinking: to Improve our own and our families’ lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those round us. It Is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are many people there think of this, and many people think that you have to be selfish about this, and don’t give money to beggars. 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief In the form of a letter to the edloter. Summary: Charitable Organization and British Way By Namer going to use their money on and if you do it you can cause their deaths. They call you 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed in texts. at beggars belief†has a negative attitude to beggars, in Britain they don’t want to give beggars money because they says it can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps†we hear about the British way of thinking to improve our own and our families lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is a charitainment†they ta lked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolie helps . Comment on the following statement â€Å"to improve our own and our families’ lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. †In the text â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps†it is the British way of thinking: to improve our own and our families’ lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief in the form of a letter to the edioter. How to cite Charitable Organization and British Way, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Purity and Purifications of Solids Using Melting Points. free essay sample
Purity and purifications of solids using melting points. Tatyana Aleksandrova CHE 337, Section 001 Department of Chemistry Portland State University, Portland, OR ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Abstract Melting points of Naphthalene/Biphenyl mixtures differing in their percent compositions were observed and plotted on a graph that indicated eutectic point of the mixture to be at 50 mole percent Naphthalene. Using melting point technique to identify mixture Unknown H was determined to be 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Introduction Melting point is a technique used by chemists to identify unknown substance. Compounds depending on their chemical structure have a specific melting point. Pure substance has a sharp melting point with the maximum range of 5? C. Mixtures on the other hand have wider range. Based on these concepts unknown mixtures/substances can be determined by combining them with the substance of the known melting point. Experimental Section Materials and Instruments: Melt Temp device used to electrically heat up substance to a known temperature. We will write a custom essay sample on Purity and Purifications of Solids Using Melting Points. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Glass capillary to hold substance in a Melt Temp while heating. Naphthalene Biphenyl Unknown H Naphthalene and Biphenyl melting point determination. Using procedure for melting point determination with Mel-Temp on p. 43-45 in FFF melting points of pure Naphthalene, pure Biphenyl and mixtures of the two were observed and recorded. Mixtures of Naphthalene and Biphenyl according to their mass percent used in experiment: 10% Naphthalene, 90% Biphenyl 30% Naphthalene, 40% Biphenyl 50% Naphthalene, 50% Biphenyl 70% Naphthalene, 30% Biphenyl 90% Naphthalene, 10% Biphenyl Values of melting points obtained in the observation were recorded in Table 1 and plotted into Graph 1. Identification of an Unknown using Mixture Melting Points. MP of unknown H was determined using procedure indicated on p. 43-45 in FFF. Two known samples with the closest to unknown H mps were determined. Two mixtures were prepared, each combining unknown with the known sample in 50/50 proportion. MP of each mixture was observed and recorded. Mixture that had sharp melting point was mixture that contained identical parts. Results and discussion Melting points for mixtures containing different percent of Naphthalene to Biphenyl were observed, recorded, averaged and graphed in Table 1 and Graph 1. Average was taken from several results obtained by organic chemistry lab. Table 1. Average melting point specific to % Naphthalene in Naphthalene-Biphenyl mixture % Naphthalene inNaphthalene-Biphenyl mixture (%)| Corresponding Melting point (Â °C )| 0| 68. 09| 10| 62. 36| 30| 53. 88| 50| 47. 74| 70| 50. 99| 90| 73. 55| 100| 78. 87| Mole Percent of Naphthalene Temperature (C) Graph 1. Melting Point Diagram for Naphthalene and Biphenyl. Observed melting points of pure Naphthalene and Biphenyl (in Table 1) are consistent with CRC Handbook1, that indicates melting temperatures for these substances at 80. 2Â °C and 71. 0 Â °C, respectively. Based on the graph above eutectic point lies at 50% mole percent Naphthalene. Class results were averaged, therefore one inaccurate result would effect the average point, this could be a potential source of error in the experiment. However, class average for MP of pure substances came close to values in CRC Handbook. Another Source of error is limited data points that were observed. Best fitted line illustrated in Table 1 can contain a source of error due to the insufficient number of data points. Using Melting point technique unknown H, was determined to have MP in the range from 73. 3 to 75. 4. Based on its melting point it was mixed with 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and pure Biphenyl. Results are reported in Table 2. Substance tested| Melting Point ( Â °C )| Unknown H/3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde| 76. 1 78. 7| Unknown H/ pure Biphenyl| 55. 0 59. 6| Table 2. Melting points of mixtures containing unknown H in 50/50 proportion. Based on the fact that mixture with 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde had relatively close range of (76. 1 Â °C 78. 1 Â °C) with 2. 5 Â °C difference in ending values, which can be considered as a sharp point, unknown H is 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Conclusion Melting point is a technique used to identify pure substances by observing ranges of melting points as it was done in mixtures of Naphthalene and Biphenyl. Eutectic point, however, should be kept in my when testing for pure substances, for eutectic compositions can mislead results of the test if nothing else is considered. Biphenyl’s on this technique unknown H tested was determined to be 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde based on its sharp MT. Questions: 1. a) Examples in which a pure substance could give a broad melting range: 5 mole percent of Naphthalene to 95 mole percent of Biphenyl (which is good percentage of purity) has a broad melting range. b) Example of a situation in which an impure substance melts sharply: Mixture of 60 mole percent of Naphthalene and 40 mole percent of Biphenyl. Mixture has eutectic composition. 2. Eutectic mixture – mixture in which proportions of its constituents allow a uniform melting point for that mixture. MP range is sharp, despite the fact that mixture is impure. 3. Effects of the impurities on melting behavior of benzoic acid: MP Benzoic Acid – 122 Â °C a. Fragments of crushed glass – MP of crashed glass is around 1500 Â °C, which is a lot higher than MP of B. A. Due to the big difference in melting points between substances, glass will stay insolvent. MP of B.. A. will not change, it will melt with pieces of glass in the substance. . Residual recrystallization solvent –mostly contains water, which would lower the melting point of B. A. c. Filter paper fibers – MP of B. A. will not change, due to large differences in Mps. Fibers will remain in the melted B. A. d. Particles of ceiling plaster that fell into the sample – MP of B. A. will not change due to difference in Mps. 4. FFF, 2. 8, p. 48: Suppose you are taking a MP and c ompound disappears.. What happened? Compound was a volatile compound that changes from solid to gaseous form without going through liquid form (sublimed). To prevent this one end of the capillary should be sealed. 5. Because compound is in clusters, it takes more heat to go through layers to heat up a compound. However, more heat doesn’t mean higher melting point. It has more substance to heat. 6. Even if two compounds have the same melting point, if they are not identical MT of their mixture will be depressed. Therefore, mixture that shows the same MT as an unknown would identification. References 1CRC Handbook, CRC Press: New York, 1999.
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