Thursday, October 31, 2019
Today Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Today Media - Research Paper Example Advertisements can distort reality. It is a one-sided stand in order to obtain corporate goals. Lastly, some audience does not have enough ability to understand advertisement’s purpose. Based on these reasons, the proponent was able to use important journal articles, and books in line with understanding the very nature of advertising and its impact on the society. Furthermore, other important related concepts in other fields such as psychology, and social science are integrated within the concept of mass communication and the social media. In doing this, further justification of the use of advertising as effective approach in conveying information is justified. The important implications of advertising in the society are also discussed based on other relevant and practical examples commonly observed in common and various ads. Introduction Certain ads are effective in conveying information to the extent that consumer persuasion is at a higher level. This persuasion at a higher level is very influential in trying to convince people of certain ideas. For example, tobacco marketing is associated with youth smoking, their behaviors towards it and their intention to smoke (Hanewinkel, Isensee, Sargent, & Morgenstern, 2010). However, anti-tobacco media campaigns are found helpful in smoking cessation (Biener, Reimer, Wakefield, Szczypka, Rigotti, & Connolly, 2006). Furthermore, anti-tobacco television ads using fear and disgust contents have been found significant on resources intended for message encoding, recognition memory and emotional responses (Leshner, Bolls & Wise, 2011, p. 77). These only show that advertising is effective way of communicating ideas, information and other relevant social concerns. In particular, advertising activities are integral parts of marketing and other related social interactions that aim to promote certain ideas, opinions or products and services. For a long period of time, ads are used to convey significant information and peo ple are learning many things from them. The very proof why ads are effective is their continuing existence in the media, and other related mass communication today. If they are not that effective, then they should have been long banished and should never be the primary options on the list among marketers and some people. However, certain ads should be banned in the interest of health, morality, annoyance – alcohol, cigarettes, prescription meds, etc due to the following reasons. Advertisements distort reality The advancement of technology makes it possible for advertisers to distort reality by creating much of virtual reality (Frith & Mueller, 2010). It has long been contended that advertisements tend to distort the reality, but the availability of much advanced technology has become the doorway to create more virtual reality. There are many available animated commercial advertisements today that try to distort the picture of reality. What the advertisers try to promote is th e product itself and not the entire concept of the social reality. These highly animated commercials are without question attractive to the extent they can actually catch attention. Some of them moved out from the bound of morality and other relevant social issues. These ads might be considered the reality among children so it is important to consider that unrealistic ads should be totally
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Internal and external environment Essay Example for Free
Internal and external environment Essay Introduction Internal and external environment of each company is a concept of poles apart. The knowledge of human is influenced by various factors that are surrounding the environment in which that an individual is placed. A continuous and steady improvement is the order of the day for increasing the human efficiency in working environment. â€Å"THE modern business man is the true heir of the old magicians. Every thing he touches seems to increase ten or a hundredfold in value and usefulness. All the old methods, old tools, old instruments have yielded to his transforming spell or else been discarded for new and more effective substitutes. In a thousand industries the profits of to-day are wrung from the wastes or unconsidered trifles of yesterday†(Scott, Walter Dill, 1998 Increasing Human Efficiency in Business, Chap. I. pg. 1) The era of computerization is system based approach at every level of working, whether it is in business, management, information technology or any industrial and social sector. The adherence to system has been fruitful in all aspects and also in locating the risk areas that can be monitored to avoid such risks with appropriate standards of management techniques and tools. Definition of system and Manager’s adoption of principles of system A system is defined as an organized, unitary whole composed of two or more interdependent parts (subsystems) where the whole contains identifiable boundaries from its environment (suprasystem). The practice of system is based on system principles and methods which are to be understood by a manager are : (1) Define company as a system (2) Establish system objectives (performance criteria) (3) Identify wider systems (environment). (4) Create formal subsystems (including a humanistic, psychosocial subsystem (5) Integrate the subsystems with the whole system (if not the subsystems themselves, whatever interrelates them with other subsystems. There are various aspects that are co-related with systems approach in terms of management of external and internal environment and how management theory is applicable in legal matters and what is the status of manager in communication in solving complex issues that arise from time to time in both external and internal environment. This is another way of stating that a manager has to be dynamically competitive and work advantageously in both environments with the prop of system theory. Systems theory as prescribed above, requires a complete in-depth understanding about working of a company apart from day to day analysis of performance within and outside environment of a company. The tools that are effective in measuring and managing the affairs of a company are viz., time management, risk management, supply chain management, team management, customer relation management, operation management, management of information systems, decision supportive systems and organizational behavior. A continuous persisting efforts of a manager produces emergence of new ideas and strategies apart from assisting in identifying key areas of a problem. It can also be stated that problems produce some of the best systematic ideas that are recognized as best strategies in the long term for the benefit and growth of a company. †And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty; the thought can in an instant transport us into the most distant regions of the universe; or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard of, may yet be conceived; nor is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies an absolute contradiction†. â€Å"But though our thought seems to possess this unbounded liberty, we shall find, upon a nearer examination, that it is really confined within very narrow limits, and that all this creative power of the mind amounts to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded us by the senses and experience†(Raleigh, N. C Alex Catalogue, An Enquiry concerning Human understanding, Sec. II. The origin of ideas, pg. 11) Ideas are the final output of thinking process, which has to undergo a brain storming session, group discussion and after several workshops, a company launches a new product.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Homosexuality In Dead Dreams Of Monochrome Men
Homosexuality In Dead Dreams Of Monochrome Men In this essay I am going to look at the work Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men (Dead Dreams) by Lloyd Newson, performed by the Physical Theatre Company DV8. I will focus on the way homosexuality is represented within the piece. I will then look at the work of the playwright Oscar Wilde (1854 -1900) and the painter Francis Bacon (1909 -1992) in order to examine how homosexuality was represented within their art and make comparisons with Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men. I will try to show how the representation of homosexuality within art at different times reflects the prevailing attitudes towards homosexuality of the time. I will examine how each artist used their creativity to put forward ideas and messages about their personal experience of homosexuality, and the extent to which this was influenced by the society in which they lived. Although these artists lived in different eras I believe they shared a similar attitude to the pain, suffering and frustration that homosexuals were forced to feel when existing within a society which regarded their natural sexual orientation with prejudice and lack of understanding. Homosexuality was a criminal offence in the UK until 1967. Before this date homosexuals could be imprisoned gay males had to risk various punishments from society for their behaviour which was not condoned by the establishment. Because of this many homosexuals experienced conflict: either to not follow their natural sexual desires and live a lie, of follow them and risk exposure as a criminal and perhaps even prison. This forced homosexuals into a world of guilt and secrecy which is still resounding within homosexual culture today. Even though attitudes towards homosexuality can be said to me more liberal today, for many people homosexuals are still strongly associated with unnatural acts and perversion not just on an individual basis but also be institutions such as the Catholic Church. 2 Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men In 1986, Lloyd Newson formed the Physical Theatre Company DV8 and he is the main choreographer of DV8s work. Newson is renowned for exploring and attacking the forbidden in an attempt to challenge societys views of various issues and, in particular, homosexuality. Newson addresses the distance created by mainstream or straight society which pushes homosexuals to the fringes. (Hutera, 83, 2008) Newson has placed his sexualized politics into the body of his works. (Reynolds, 2009, online) Interestingly, before Newson made his way into the art world with DV8, he trained as a therapist. Perhaps in his therapeutic work he was able to identify with the struggles of the other minorities who experienced prejudice that he would have encountered: people who experienced great personal problems or behavioural addiction problems which may have made them feel like outsiders. Newson is obviously a highly political person who does not shy away from pushing the boundaries to achieve his artistic and political objectives. DV8 Physical Theatres work is about taking risks, aesthetically and physically, about breaking down the barriers between dance, theatre and personal politics and, above all, communicating ideas and feelings clearly and unpretentiously. It is determined to be radical yet accessible, and to take its work to as wide an audience as possible. (DV8, 2010, online) Originally premiered as a stage piece on 5th October 1988, Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men was the first stage piece by DV8 to be reworked and transformed for film (in 1990). My impressions of the piece are based on this film, directed by David Hinton, rather than the stage performance. Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men is divided into ten different pieces, involving a cast of four male dancers, (including Lloyd Newson himself), conveying the alienation of homosexual males and the deionisation of homosexual thirsts. (Hutera, 83, 2008) The work is said to be inspired by the serial killer Dennis Nielsen, a man sentenced to life imprisonment in 1983 after murdering fifteen male homosexuals. Newsons decision to use Dennis Nielsen within this piece could be regarded as surprising as Nielsen could be seen to represent the seediest, most violent and sadistic aspects of homosexuality rather than its more acceptable face. For me this shows Newsons honesty in not backing away from difficult issues. However while violence is always imminent in this work, the choreographer and director also focus on the unexpected tenderness of four men who are too desperate to control their needs to suppress their fear, (Ney, 2001, online) Through the choices made in terms of movement, camera, music and set in Dead Dreams, the fear suggested is of the sexual desire between the four dancers, who are battling with themselves and those around them. Newson is suggesting that homosexuals feel a need to try and suppress their desire, because of the harsh world they live in. Although homosexuality is treated far more openly within U.K. society than ever before, it is still tinged with danger and fear, perhaps echoing its past and the impact that prohibition and prejudice still have on homosexual culture. Newson made known that the production loved to assault middle England prejudices and use shock as a major tactic. (Brown, 2003, online) Newson was one of the first artists, not just in dance but across all art, to not feel the need to try and hide or tone down the homosexuality in his work. Newson was not afraid to use real male bodies, show you the real skin on skin contact and let you know that homosexuality is what you were being witness to. The use of camera in Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men brings the audience face to face with the gay relationships between dancers. Throughout the piece the camera zooms in on close-ups of skin to skin contact. For example a duet in the second piece blind shows us a moment where two dancers are stood one in front of the other. The dancer behind reaches around the dancers body in front and lifts his t-shirt (a popular item of clothing among gays) to cover his head. Using his hands he then slowly and lightly explores the surface of his skin around his abdominal and pectoral area. At the culmination of this, the camera slowly zooms onto the dancers stomach and all we can see is this hand to stomach contact. The use of close up by the camera gives us no choice but to be confronted with this idea of intimacy between the dancers, emphasising the importance of this imagery to the piece, and the overall work. Suddenly the hand slaps the stomach and the piece finishes. The slap communicates to me a feeling of forbidden, that the touching between the two is wrong. Whilst we are shown the close up camera shot of the hand to stomach contact, there are short snaps of another dancer who is positioned to the side of the duet. This dancer is crouched tensely over with this body, with his mouth pushed wide open, every limb, and finger to neck is stiff and contracted. The dancer appears anguished and frustrated. The fact that we are unable to hear any scream which you feel he is desperately trying to project, communicates that he may be a symbolic reference to the silent frustration felt by many homosexuals who feel they need to live in denial of their sexuality. There are many moments in Dead Dreams that contrast what we see on the outside of the dancers with what they are feeling on the inside. Newson has created moments which make us think there is more to the dancers than what is being portrayed on the surface, that an act is being put on. For example, in piece four I just want to be with you we have the only moment in the whole work where a dancer speaks. A man (perhaps representing Nielsen) is sat smoking, looking at us through the camera and speaking as though he were trying to chat us up in a bar. The smoke illusion and the steadiness of his voice communicate an impression of calmness. However, about five metres in the distance behind this man we see another male figure, squashed between two walls. As the dancer speaks the male behind moves in a fidgety manor within his small space, as if trying to find a position that is comfortable. As the conversation builds and the sentences become longer and more personal, the dancers movements becomes bigger and more frantic, suggesting that perhaps the dancers are actually different sides of the same person. This scene appears to be metaphoric. Newson may be trying to say that however comfortable gay men appear to be on the outside, there is still a lack of confidence inside. DV8 aims to connect the world outside with the world inside or, if you like, the personal with the political. Even though their focus is on the body in action, they use whatever means they need to achieve that connection dance, acting, circus, film, whatever. The message matters more than the medium. (2008, Roy, online) Silence is used very effectively throughout Dead Dreams. The use of silence at moments enables the audience to hear the breathing of the dancers. In Piece Four the dancers breathing speeds up as another dancer walks towards him, getting closer and closer. The breathing increases even more as that dancer then makes body contact with him, hand to his neck. By the intensity of the breathing we can sense a strong feeling of the nervousness and perhaps lack of trust he feels about the situation. This idea of trust between two dancers is bought up again later in the work, in a more symbolic and obvious way. Piece six called Falling Down involves a moment when one dancer is dropping himself from a ladder onto another dancer who is supposed to catch and break his fall. The dancer falls testing their trust, three times. First from a height of about two metres, the next as high as four metres, but then on the third drop, he is willing to fall from a height of about ten feet. The dancer beneath walks away, but the dancer drops himself anyway, perhaps suggesting that even those who you have grown used to trusting always have the capacity to let you down again echoing the Nielsen story as he first befriended his victims before killing them. Filmed in starkly lit, anguish- and muscle-enhancing black and white, Dead Dreams looks like a living George Platt Lynes photograph set in a fevered, prison like bar world, pulsating with wordless sexual narratives, twitchy erotic appetites and well-shorn, hunky men. (From Video Cover). Is this prison supposed to represent another world, homosexuality from which there is no escape? In Piece Five, Drum and Dance for the first time we see the outside of the prison. A protected barred window, through which a bright light shines through (as if suggesting a happier place) into the dark and eerie box in which the four males seem trapped. A desire to reach for this light is suggested as the three dancers each try individually to get out of the window, a teasing four metres above their heads. They soon think of using each other to help reach up to the window, and start co-operating to the point of climbing up one anothers backs to standing on shoulders. (An example of the physical skill demand in DV8s movement material). Perhaps Newson is suggesting that only if homosexuals work together can they fight prejudice and negativity? How there needs to be a strong sense of unity amongst homosexuals, based on their shared experiences of alienation and rejection. In the third piece The Pedestal Newson again seems to address the issue of denial. A male dancer is sitting on the shoulder of another male dancer. The dancer carrying the other walks non stop in a circle for about three minutes. Obviously the weight of carrying a whole males body, particularly on just one shoulder is very demanding, and so he struggles to walk around upright and soon becomes pushed to a crouch. The way the dancer fights for as long as he possibly can, could be taken to suggest the idea of a homosexual in denial. How the weight of going against what is such a natural part of you can been very hard, and will eventually crush (kill?) you. In an interview with the telegraph, Newson speaks about his beliefs and his position as a homosexual artist. He explains, I am a politician already. Battling with the politics of dance, and the politics of life. If I can carry on those battles with a loudspeaker- which you can do when you have company that gives public performances then I will. DV8 is my loudspeakerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The direct line between what we felt and what we showed we felt angry, we showed anger immediately. And it got to a point when we burned ourselves out. (Brown, 2003, online) Dead Dreams is a powerful work that draws you into the world of the homosexual and confronts you with your own prejudices. It has an integrity based on what one feels to be the gritty truth about the negative attitudes and insecurities regarding homosexuality which Newson obviously still feel permeate U.K. society today and the dangers that many homosexuals still face because of this. 3 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde was a successful poet and playwright who produced most of his work in the late 19th century. The Victorian society in which Wilde lived stressed the need for family values and a faithful religious way of life. Although everyone knew that homosexuality existed most pretended to not know anything about it and homosexuals were forced to live secret lives. Homosexuals came mainly from the upper and middle classes and had both the financial and social life to enable them to engage in homosexual activities. (Hilliard, 1982, online) Many were married and lived double lives and were flamboyantly dressed. During the 1880s and 90s societies attitudes towards homosexuality changed significantly. What before was thought of as sinful behaviour, views of homosexuality altered into believing it was nothing but a sickness. (Hilliard, 1982, online) However the Labouchà ¨re Amendment of the Criminal Law Act of 1885 criminalised all homosexual acts by males in private and public, and this legislation eventually led to Oscar Wilde being prosecuted. (Hilliard, 1982, online) Oscar Wilde was one of the many homosexuals who lived a double life. Wilde appeared to adhere to Victorian values by marrying and having two sons, prior to acknowledging that he was in fact a homosexual. However the pressures of living a lie eventually caught up with Wilde and when he left his wife he returned to Oxford and the company of his friends from the upper classes and began drinking heavily and living a more openly homosexual lifestyle, including a very public affair with a member of the British aristocracy (Lord Alfred Douglas). Shortly after he was arrested, tried and sentenced to two years had labour for his homosexuality. (Moonstruck, online) Through his work Wilde was able to secretly convey his views, by creating a somewhat coded language which laid as a discreet undertone to his work. When you were aware of the secret messages Wilde had put into his work (which had reference to homosexuality), messages that lay deeper beneath the rich colour and beauty, the public would be witness to a whole different play. (Coren, 94, 1997) Homosexual undertones in Wildes writings, particularly in his novel, were used against him and helped send him to jail. His play The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde directly addresses the theme of dual identities. The plays two main characters are seen to be engaged in bunburying, which in the play is seen to refer to having one identity in London and another in the country. This was shown in the play as allowing them to escape Victorian social mores. This was taken by many to be a metaphor for the double life many homosexuals were living at the time. (SOURCE: MENDELSHON, DANIEL; THE TWO OSCAR WILDES, NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, VOLUME 49, NUMBER 15  · 10 OCTOBER 2002). Some commentators have suggested that bunburying was a slang terms for homosexual sex and that earnest was often used as a code word for homosexual as in is he earnest? During his trials, Wildes own homosexual undertones in his writings, particularly in his I Wilde was also explicit in his only novel, Dorian Gray where the male writer says of his first meeting with the lead character: for the first time. I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself. This description of one man falling in love with another was felt to be shocking at the time of the books publication. Oscar Wilde was forced to hide his homosexuality behind layers of inference and disguise. He was terrified of revealing his homosexuality because he knew that he would be alienated and ostracised from the society. (Rader, online) Oscar Wilde was a prime example of how the negative attitudes towards homosexuality lead to secrecy and denial and that this can ultimately prove to be personally disastrous for the individual concerned. 4 Francis Bacon Born in Ireland in 1910, living until 1992, Francis Bacon was voted the most important living artist in the world. His influence and popularity amongst society cannot be denied as during the early twentieth century he existed as the highest selling living painter. Bacon was a painter of figures, (mainly portraits studies), often using an easel and canvas to create a roughly textured surface of oil paints. Working only from photographs, Bacon would transfer the figure he sees in this stimulus, to a figure painted on canvas. Francis Bacon was an artist who never tried to flatter the sitters he painted, but rather reflected his take on human existence. (Peppiatt 233, 2009), (Fifield, online) There is a clear theme that runs through all of Bacons works, the theme of distortion, the breaking up of the human body. For example in Bacons Portrait of Michel Leiris (1976) and Francis Bacon Self Portrait (1978). Francis Bacons homosexuality was no secret in his career. The death of Bacon at the age of 82 in 1992 stands as a significant moment, a turning point, in our understanding not only of the concept of queer, but of how artists felt able to operate if they were to be both true to themselves yet find a measure of acceptance in a society by and large hostile to homosexual expression. (1996, Cooper, online) Francis Bacon considered himself to be a queer homosexual and did not want to be known as a gay, as he did not like the word. In the old fashioned sense when queer was a term of abuse, a recognition and disapproval by society of divergent sexual tastes. There is that suggests Bacon was moved by the ideas and theories of gay liberation, but rather that the movement brought an unwelcome intrusion in what he regarded as his private life. At the time of the Stonewall riots in 1969, he was nearly 60 and his lifestyle was resolutely pre-liberationist in style and attitude. To change this would have involved great effort on his part. Going public, would not have seemed the thing to do at a time when his international reputation was well established. (1996, Cooper, online) It is obvious that Francis Bacon addresses homosexuality in his work, with paintings such as Study for Nude (1951) which involves male naked bodies intimately entwined, but he never spoke directly about it, and in particular would never speak of his personal relations that he wanted to remain completely private in attempt to not influence or detract from him being seen as an artist. The label gay was seen by many like Bacon, as a term just as abusive as Nigger. There were many liberations around during the later part of his life and represented a shift in homosexual lifestyle and its public persona. Bacon did not want to change his image and face the consequences of this from the public towards his work. Bacon produced most of his best work in the period after the Second World War, with his breakthrough piece Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion being painted in 1944. The immediate post war period was when society was very much about returning to family life and this can be seen through British and American films of the time. At this time it was very risky to divulge your homosexuality to others not only because it was illegal but also because it was not accepted. This would have led to feelings of isolation for many homosexuals. Even though society was becoming more tolerant of homosexuality, there was still great reluctance by homosexuals to trust others and discuss their sexuality, even with their families. At that time, men in this situation often referred to their doctors for help, and this occasionally led to medication or even psychiatric referrals to change their behaviour. Bacons subject matter was often autobiographical, reflecting the intimate and often anguished relationships he experienced. Despite Bacons use of distortion in his works, it is clear to see that the great predominant sex of his figures were male, and naked. When these naked figures in his works are involved in very close bodily contact, with entwined limbs where they are almost painted as one body, it is hard to not see Bacons work as greatly personal and specifically relatable to his sexuality. Yet by the late sixties Bacon had completed some of his queerest paintings. The relatively straightforward image Study from the Human Body (1949), of a naked man behind a transparent curtain is sensuous and enticing, offering a glimpse of some quiet, personal moment. An interesting choice that Bacon makes when displaying his final art pieces, is he demands that a glass cover be placed on top of his work, and with all aspects of art, everything is done for a reason. Is Bacons aim to create a reflection of the onlooker into the paintings too? Are we meant to look at ourselves and think of how we see ourselves in the painting? Bacon was probably the greatest British painter of the 20th century, and although he did not like to talk about his homosexuality directly, there is no doubt that his work brought homosexuality into the daylight and it was because of artists such as Bacon and others that the Sexual Offences Act 1967 Act which decriminalised homosexuality was passed. 5 Comparisons and Contrasts Dead Dreams of Monochrome men is shot in black and white, with dim lighting, creating a set of eeriness and little distraction. Francis Bacons works have the same effect, from his use of mainly black and white and other deep shades in his work, for example Three Studies for Figures at the base of a Crucifixion (1944). Bacons figurative and portrait paintings lack strong backgrounds, and thereby bring the main focus of his works, the figures, through as the strongest and most powerful detail. For instance in Bacons famous Self-Portrait (1971) he uses just a plain black painted background. In effect the mixture of blue, red and white tones that he has used to create the face, really emphasise and draw you in to these unusual skin colours. Similarly to pieces in Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men, as an audience we cannot help but be put in the position of being face to face with the shockingly suggestive gay relations. These artists are not afraid to use the naked body in their work, and feel no need to try to cover up or tone down the intensity of their work in doing so, just because of the shocked, some maybe disgusted, reaction we may have. Although Bacon uses the naked body, through vague outlines of the figures, the use of distance and blending, the naked figures in his works are created in a way that they do not hit you as much as Newsons figures. For example in Two figures (1953), which involves two male figures lying on a bed embraced, Bacon has used vertical brushstrokes that blend the black background in with the figures heads and body. You can be pretty sure that these two figures are male, however by Bacons technique here there is a possibility that he could argue that they are not, and that it is just your interpretation. I wonder does Bacon want the society to see homosexuals firstly as human being and their sexuality second. Whereas Newson aims for society to understand that human beings cannot be separated by their sexuality? In Dead Dreams, Newsons choice of props have been used effectively in terms of representing or having symbolic meaning by being put into a very plain and simple background. The same effect exists in some of Bacons pieces. Because of his plain backgrounds which exist as a running style through his paintings, when he involves an object it stands out as significant, and it can only be being used for a good reason. In Bacons Study for Crouching Nude, an outline of what appears to be a glass-like box which stands around the figure is painted. Is this glass meant to create an enclosed space the figure is stuck in? Meant to separate us from the figure? Matched by how the figure is hunched over in front of us and positioned in a crouch, the figure almost become animalistic, monkey-like. DV8 use the same idea of an enclosed setting around their male dancers a prison which they try to escape from. It could be said that the DV8 figures push the boundaries of humanity by such challenging and original movement. Are Newson and Bacon suggesting that sex is, at its most basic level, an animal act? Maybe they believe gays that suppress their feelings about their sexuality can turn into animals? Newsom could also be suggesting a link to the reaction of society towards the Dennis Nielsen case, as many people described him as an animal. Bacon often aimed to portray the human body as meat. An example of this is in his painting George Dyer in a mirror created in 1963, where the reflection in a mirror which is painted next to Dyers face reflects a further distortion which looks like slabs of meat. Perhaps Bacon was suggesting that if you see the human body as a slab of meat you do not see it as having any feelings and this is further suggested by the violence that runs through the image, which is enhanced by Bacons use of harsh brushstrokes. I do not believe that Bacon was as interested in challenging or expressing his views on homosexuality as much as Newson, as he was never an activist. And perhaps because of his associations with queer or camp effeminate homosexuals, he did not feel the need to strive for an acknowledgement that would eventually lead to move fundamental changes in society, (such as the civil ceremonies and legal right). His association with the art establishment would also have provided him with many influential friends and he may not have felt he was in a minority or an outsider. However I do believe that they both were interested in making reference to the suffering and effects homosexuals experienced by the discrimination they receive, and strove to communicate their experiences honestly in their art. 6 Conclusions It is no surprise that both Lloyd Newsons, Francis Bacons and to some extent Oscar Wildes homosexual referenced work received objections from many members in society. For example, Margaret Thatcher, Tory Prime Minister, described Francis Bacon as that artist who paints those horrible pictures. A well known philistine Thatchers artistic interests seem to be limited to collecting pretty ceramic figurines the remark could be read as referring to both Bacons often violent style of painting and to his usual subject of the interaction between two men, which in Bacons view was neither affectionate nor relaxed but turbulent and traumatic. (1996, Cooper, online) Protests of the openness and public support of acknowledging homosexuality inside and outside of the arts have always occurred. DV8 are one of many to be the creators of art which has provoked these objectors. The Sunday Mirror gave DV8 a massive leg-up. Gay sex orgy on TV shrieked the headline for their story on the screening of Dead Dreams of Monochrome Men, prompting a flood of complaints to the TV network, angry questions in parliament by Tory MPs and a huge surge in DV8s viewing figures. (2008, Roy, online) This still exists today, only last year ago one of the dance works shown at the production of In the Spirit of Diagalev at Sadlers Wells, bought protestors both inside and outside the dance theatre, over its explicitness about sex, homosexuality and the involvement further with the Catholic Church. Conservative elements within society seemed to worry that if sexuality could be questioned then what else could? What could homosexuality lead to? Would control even break down? Although Newson has been more willing to discuss how life and work than Bacon or Wilde, they all shared a need to express their ideas without being restrained by societys reactions to their work. This took considerable bravery the bravery to create art which was so out there for its day meant risk. And without artists taking risks everything will stagnate. I SUGGEST FINISHING HERE NEW I believe that the fact all three of these artist were homosexual are of great importance to their work. I believe if they were not, these works would most likely never of been made, as I am sure it was their experiences as homosexuals, and the hitting of nerves by a harsh society, that encouraged their art. Art always has and I believe will always be a substance of the artists feelings, as what is so beautiful about art, is its ability to be an expressional form.
Friday, October 25, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay ï » ¿ Injustice is a problem which everyone faces. Nobody likes to suffer from injustice, yet they make others suffer all the time. Yet some individuals like Atticus Finch rise above this injustice enough to stay proud of his ways and to know what he was doing was truely right. Other individuals like Boo Radly hide indoors practicing ways â€Å"Alien†to Maycomb believing what he was doing was morally right and he would be repaid in his afterlife. The last man who rises above injustice is Tom Robinson, who has been charged with a crime he didn’t commit but yet he stayed strong enough to be able to think beyond it and win his court case. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, there are three characters who suffer the most injustice. These people are Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. Atticus, a man with great wisdom, suffers from the fact that he had taken on a Negro case. He was constantly persecuted for his decision by all classes in Maycomb county, which made him have to work even harder and keep his head up if he was going to overcome the odds and win the trial. Even though his family was made fun of, he stuck with his choice and worked the hardest he could to ignore the threats and harassment. Some people almost tried to turn his own kids against him through persuading them against him and telling them about the different ways of Atticus; â€Å"‘Do you know he can play a Jew’s Harp?’(About Atticus) this modest accomplishement served to make me even more ashamed of him†(Lee 90). He did very well to ignore all the abuse and was greatly respected after the trial was over. Another person who suffered from injustice was Tom Robinson. He suffered a different type of Injustice than Atticus Finch though. He suffered a Racial Injustice, a raw, upfront injustice; â€Å"‘I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin on my Mayella’†(Lee 173). He was charged with a crime he did not commit. His side of the story was not believed because he was black, which really shows the amount of injustice during the time the novel was set in. Through the whole trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Mlb Should Have Instant Replay
Installing Instant Replay in Major League Baseball Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade my audience and MLB to install instant replay in the game of baseball. I. Introduction *Introduce Self* A. Attention- First I am going to start off with a video of a prime example of why they should have instant replay in baseball( the replay is of a blown call by Jim Joyce that would have ended the game and preserved the 21st perfect game in baseball which major league baseball was founded in 1869 so it doesn’t happen that often B.Purpose: To persuade my audience to agree that if instant replay was in baseball that baseball would be a better sport. C. Main Points- In my speech I will be talking about what is instant replay, different ways major league baseball can use instant replay and then why Major league baseball needs instant replay. Transition: Some of you maybe asking to yourself what is instant replay and I am about to tell you. II. Body A. What is instant replay? 1. Instant replay is the replaying of video footage of an event very soon after it has occurred. 2.There are different forms of replay including slow motion, multiple camera angles, freeze frame and frame by frame review. 3. The invention of instant replay is credited to Tony Verna Transition: The one major reason why people are against using instant replay is that they say it will slow down the game of baseball and it is already slow. B. How baseball could have instant replay without slowing the game down sufficiently? 1. Such like college football where they have an official that sits in a booth and looks at every play after it is played that looks for any error that is made by an official well they could have this in MLB . Just like the NFL, where the head coaches get a red challenge flag that is good for one challenge of a play well they could have this in baseball too 3. Both of those ways have worked in football and they wouldn’t take that long so I feel baseball should us e it too.Transition: After telling you ways that they could do instant replay in MLB I am going to tell you why MLB should have instant replay. C. Why MLB should have instant replay? 1. I feel like the most important thing in baseball would be to get the call right on each and other play. . I feel like it would make baseball a better sport to watch 3. Finally I feel like baseball is the last sport not to have instant replay so baseball should join the 21st century and have instant replay too. III. Conclusion A. During my speech I told what instant replay is, how they could use instant replay to not slow the game down even more and why MLB should use instant replay in the game of baseball. B. I am going to conclude with a memorable quote â€Å" Hindsight is 20/20†. * Thank Audience*
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania The WritePass Journal
Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania REFERENCES Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania INTRODUCTIONSITUATION ANALYSISKEY PRIORITY AREASREFERENCES Related INTRODUCTION Republic of Beravania is victimised by man-made and natural devastation. Such emergencies are responsible for immediate and long term effects in low income countries. In addition to deaths due to such catastrophes, disruption of the basic services such as shelter, electricity, water and healthcare leads to increased morbidity and mortality amongst the victims during and after the calamity (Kruk et al., 2010, Jean, 1999). Considering the country profile for Beravania and the information available, this is a strategic national health plan for post emergency situation for 2009-14. It is divided in two parts. In the first part, the current situation is analysed and four broad areas of priority health needs are identified and justified. In the second part strategic approaches have been recommended to deal with this priority health needs and further appropriate interventions are planned. SITUATION ANALYSIS Republic of Beravania is an ancient country victimised by man-made and natural catastrophes. These emergencies have worsen the poor health status of the population to such an extent that it could not recover till date. The deteriorating health status of the people especially of the vulnerable group (children and women) call for an urgent need to concentrate the efforts of national and international agencies in planning and strengthening the current health system by a need based health plan for the country. Country has subtropical to cold climate with moderate to heavy rain. Inspite of that there is great constraint in access to clean and safe drinking water to majority of population due to poor infrastructure for storage and supply causing direct impact to the health and physical development of the people especially children. Beravania is one of the poorest country facing great economic difficulties, political and ethnic crisis that further depreciate the situation. Analysis of health indicators of the population reveals that there is very high infant as well as under five mortality rate. The leading causes identified for mortality are diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infection, dengue fever, vaccine preventable diseases, and protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. Communicable diseases such as HIV, TB and Malaria are a great threat to all age group causing high rate of morbidity and mortality. Disease surveillance system is comparatively well-organized and functional. Health service delivery is inadequate, inaccessible and unaffordable for such a large population due to human and financial resource constraints and unequal allocation of available resources. KEY PRIORITY AREAS The key priority areas identified based on the assessment information for health plan are: 1) Food Security and Nutrition Food shortage and malnutrition are common problems during and after emergencies. Food shortage occurs mainly due to unexpected substantial decline in food availability and accessibility (Korf, 2002, Jean, 1999). In the current scenario, despite of good climate and rainfall suitable for fairly good amount of food crop production, food shortage and malnutrition are most prevalent due to urbanisation, socio-economic reforms, civil conflict and natural calamities like flood and famine (Messer, 2001). It has been proved by various researches that prevalence of malnutrition is much higher among these people as compared to common population. Protein Energy Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency are commonly identified nutritional problems which are major cause of increased morbidity and mortality in these situations and similar pattern is observed in Beravania also (Jean, 1999). Improving the nutritional status has a positive impact on health status, resistance to disease and psycho-social well being which justifies it to be on the priority list. 2) Health Service Strengthening Post emergency period is most convenient for improving the healthcare services that has been ruined by the catastrophes. Healthcare is a basic necessity and so during emergency main focus is on quantity of health service provision while in post emergency adequate health service provision and strengthening is important to be considered. Health services established during emergency phase can be reoriented, restructured and reinforced based on needs assessment (Alonso, 2006). In the post emergency phase healthcare programmes requiring stable circumstances with long term treatment and follow-up such as T.B, HIV, Mental health and maternal and child health programmes can be restructured and implemented effectively (Kruk et al., 2010). Community health services can also be reorganised. 3) Communicable Disease Control There is an increased risk of epidemic of communicable diseases even in the post emergencies period. Some of the common contributing risk factors are deprivation of basic needs such as food, clean drinkable water, healthcare as well as increased risk due to deficiency of nutrition and immunity, lack of shelter, sanitation and hygiene. Communicable diseases are primary cause of disease related morbidity and mortality during these situations. Most prevalent communicable diseases during this situation are diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infections, T.B, HIV and malaria (Speigel, 2004). Similar condition is observed in Beravania in the post emergency phase. Hence it requires an immediate attention. 4) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Water is the basic necessity that is impacted severely during emergencies and even in post emergencies if problem is not resolved by long term sustainable alternatives. â€Å"Water and environment plays a major role in spread of communicable diseases and epidemics†(Jean, 1999). In Beravania in-spite of having good rainfall it is facing scarcity of clean drinking water and also spread of diarrhoeal disease which is one of the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality post emergency. Hence it is considered as a priority for planning and maintaining minimum risk threshold for water, sanitation and hygiene related morbidity and mortality (Richards, 2004). twa REFERENCES ALONSO, A. 2006. Rehabilitating the health system after conflict in East Timor: a shift from NGO to government leadership. Health Policy and Planning, 21, 206-216. JEAN, R., E. SONDROP, F. VAULTIER (ed.) 1999. Refugee Health An approach to emergency situations. KORF, B., E. BAUER. 2002. Food Security in the Context of Crisis and Conflict: Beyond Continuum Thinking. Gatekeeper Series No.SA106, 1, 1-25. KRUK, M. E., ROCKERS, P. C., WILLIAMS, E. H., VARPILAH, S. T., MACAULEY, R., SAYDEE, G. GALEA, S. 2010. Availability of essential health services in post-conflict Liberia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88, 527-534. MESSER, E., M.J. COHEN, T.MARCHIONE. 2001. Conflict: A Cause and Effect of Hunger. In: ECSP (ed.). RICHARDS, P., K.BAH, J.VINCENT. 2004. Social Capital and Survival: Prospects for Community-Driven Development in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. In: BANK, W. (ed.) Community Driven Development, Conflict prevention and Reconstruction. World Bank. SPEIGEL, P. B. 2004. HIV/AIDS among Conflict affected and displaced populations: Dispeclling Myths and taking action. Disasters, 28, 322-339.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Great Powers 1900 essays
Great Powers 1900 essays What makes a major cause of a war is its significance, and its impact on all of the countries involved. According to these criteria there are four main causes of the First World War; Imperialism is a policy of acquiring dependent territories . The Arms Race, and Militarism involved competitions between nations for the better technology, and the imperial consequences, which followed. Otto Von Bismarck was the chancellor in Germany who wanted to keep the peace in Europe, and when he was dismissed from his position, when William II wanted to rule alone, Germanys foreign policy changed dramatically to its disadvantage. The Alliance system featuring two major alliances, the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain), and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, and Austria), this created suspicion and hence tension among the nations. Finally nationalism, this is a feeling of pride towards ones country. All of these were causes of the war as they created a great amount of tension between the major powers in the world, especially in Europe. The Arms Race, and Militarism are basically where nations compete for better technology, in weapons, tactics, and other such things, which would affect the power of a nation, (the Arms Race generally refers to the British, and the Germans). Militarism can provide many jobs to the unemployed, in 1905-1914 the German Tirpitz plan, which was to make more Dreadnoughts than the British (the Dreadnought was the fastest, strongest, and most well equipped ship of its time, making all others virtually obsolete). This sudden increase of demand of steel, and weaponry used to make the ship, consequently required more workers in the factories, lowering the unemployment rate dramatically. New weaponry and interventions can ultimately decide who will win a war . However when too much money and time is placed into creating these weapons, there could be very problematic results, i...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on A Place I Can Truley Call Home
When I moved to Flagstaff in August of 2003, I was very excited to be submerged into a wholesome college town. I couldn’t wait for the all the parties; the freedom that engulfs you when there are no parents to watch over your shoulder, and the school schedules that allows you to sleep in past ten. I guess you could say that I was excited to go to college rather than move to Flagstaff, Arizona. Coming from out of state made this adjustment a little harder than I would have ever expected. I loved my home in Northern California, so adjusting to a new home I felt was going to be very different. Being able to come to a different state, making a whole new set of friends stuck in my mind and I felt that it was time to pick up and move on from my home town Dublin, California. There are many memories that I will leave behind but a whole new world to endue here in Flagstaff, Arizona. So when I was asked to write a narrative essay on the â€Å"heart†of Flagstaff and what it means to me, I was somewhat intimidated by this town that I called home. Like any other college student, I quickly blew this assignment off and focused on other aspects of my life like what outfit I was going to wear Friday night and if I was going to make it home in time to watch Friends. With my homework assignments in the back of my mind, I accepted an invite to go sledding with some friends on the mountain. This majestic peak could easily be seen from anywhere in Flagstaff but had never been noticed by my adolescent eyes. With snowboots, gloves and sleds in hand, we made our way up the mountain. When we reached our destination we were amused to find that we were the only people over the age of six. But we did not let this diffidence restrict us from having fun. One by one we launched our bodies down the white runway, as if we were jets taking off into the blue sky. To me, this childish act brought back happy memories of winters when I was a kid pl... Free Essays on A Place I Can Truley Call Home Free Essays on A Place I Can Truley Call Home When I moved to Flagstaff in August of 2003, I was very excited to be submerged into a wholesome college town. I couldn’t wait for the all the parties; the freedom that engulfs you when there are no parents to watch over your shoulder, and the school schedules that allows you to sleep in past ten. I guess you could say that I was excited to go to college rather than move to Flagstaff, Arizona. Coming from out of state made this adjustment a little harder than I would have ever expected. I loved my home in Northern California, so adjusting to a new home I felt was going to be very different. Being able to come to a different state, making a whole new set of friends stuck in my mind and I felt that it was time to pick up and move on from my home town Dublin, California. There are many memories that I will leave behind but a whole new world to endue here in Flagstaff, Arizona. So when I was asked to write a narrative essay on the â€Å"heart†of Flagstaff and what it means to me, I was somewhat intimidated by this town that I called home. Like any other college student, I quickly blew this assignment off and focused on other aspects of my life like what outfit I was going to wear Friday night and if I was going to make it home in time to watch Friends. With my homework assignments in the back of my mind, I accepted an invite to go sledding with some friends on the mountain. This majestic peak could easily be seen from anywhere in Flagstaff but had never been noticed by my adolescent eyes. With snowboots, gloves and sleds in hand, we made our way up the mountain. When we reached our destination we were amused to find that we were the only people over the age of six. But we did not let this diffidence restrict us from having fun. One by one we launched our bodies down the white runway, as if we were jets taking off into the blue sky. To me, this childish act brought back happy memories of winters when I was a kid pl...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What is the definition of policy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What is the definition of policy - Coursework Example licies have had a significant impact on the nursing field worldwide since she was among the first to offer or advocate for a full public health care system. Clear and well thought out policies are vital especially in times of rapid change in the health care field to advocate for improved communication within organizations so as to advance public health. Policies determine the care accorded to families, communities or individuals when accessing health care services. Thus, policy is primarily defined as a course of action which is followed by an institution, government or business to achieve the desired goal. According to Parahoo (2014) health policy is defined as both the private and public policies which are directly linked to the provision of health services. The primary purpose for the formulation of policies is to safeguard the health of the public. Thus, policies basically serve as a management tool for risk management while promoting health. McDonald (2006) states that Nightingale’s holistic approach to the concept of health focused on critical elements that mainly influenced health. These are good child care, safe childbirth, good nutrition, decent housing and access to clean air and water. Thus, policies enhance and increases safety in nursing practice (parahoo,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Atlas of an Ingredient Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Atlas of an Ingredient - Assignment Example It is the world’s third highest agricultural production, Sugarcane and maize are the first and second. Most rice fields are first filled with a half foot of water and then small rice plants are grown in rows. It is mostly produced on yearly production basis. Some rice types do not require immense amount of water to grow; these can be harvested on normal fields without water dispense (Juliano & Hicks, 1996). Rice is characterized according to color, size of rice grain and specific taste and texture. A rice grain contains about 90% of carbohydrate, 8% proteins and only 2% fats as macro nutrients; while it also contains magnesium, folic, calcium, iron and vitamin A as the micro nutrients in different amounts according to the type of rice. The following nutritional chart for a serving of one cup or 158 grams of rice illustrates the macro and micro nutrients. Various beer brands utilize the rice to make beer. It is due to the fact that rice is packed with 90% of the carbohydrate (Smith, 1998). Rice porridge is made in the similar way as that of the wheat porridge. â€Å"Chelo†is a rice dish in Persia that is famous due to golden rice. Rice is used in various sweets dishes also. Paella is the Spain’s national dish that makes use of rice as the major ingredient. Per capita rice consumption is some counties exceed more than 200 kg annually. Countries like Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and Japan consume rice at massive level. China, India and Indonesia are the three biggest rice producers in the world. The three major rice exporters are Thailand, Vietnam and Pakistan with exporting capacity of about 8500, 6500 and 3800 thousand metric tons accordingly (Juliano & Hicks, 1996). Rice is cooked by boiling or steaming it at low or high flame. The amount of water to boil rice depends on the type and amount of rice. In risotto, rice is first glossed first in oil
Compare Hatshepsut's obelisk(s) with the Harburg Monument in Germany Essay
Compare Hatshepsut's obelisk(s) with the Harburg Monument in Germany within the cultural context of each artifact - Essay Example The pharaohs erected the monuments to depict their reign showing a form of stability and continuity of the kingdom. The pyramid shaped top, pyramidion reflected the light to indicate the power of their ancient god, Ra to make a reflection to the land. Ancient Egyptians were intensely religious and believed in connection with the supernatural erecting symbols to honor the presence of the gods. In their efforts to create continuity of their rule, the pharaohs erected their personalized obelisk to glorify specific events. In the individual faces of the monolith, there were inscriptions that were made to glorify the pharaoh that erected the obelisk. In this monument, Hatshepsut features the story of her fathers that she honors Thutmose and Amun, dedicating the inscriptions to their memories (Seawright). This structure had been erected to indicate the strong belief in the traditions and honor outstanding societal members that acted as peace symbols. The monuments acted as unifying figures for the ancient Egyptian reminding them the value of upholding respect and discipline (Strouhal, 180). With the rule of the pharaohs, there was the order in the society as the people believed in serving their rulers and the gods would offer them blessings in turn. Today, fragments of the fallen obelisk are found at the MFA, Boston. The monument depicts a king carrying out a momentous event in the Egyptian culture that involved appeasing the gods through offering sacrifice. The female pharaoh of Egypt carried the routine of the society and the entire kingdom by honoring the religious entity of the tribe and ensured continuity of this meaning incised in the famous structure (Brand, 160). The piece, made out of graphite represent an inscription in the obelisk that relayed the god Amun and the figure of the head can be clearly seen. This had been one side of the fallen obelisk that Hatshepsut had erected in honor of their religion and to establish her rule as a dominant female pharaoh who managed to rule the Egyptians during her time. Today, the monument represents a rich tradition and symbol of the grand Egyptian kingdom that unified its individuals to uphold religion and authority. This particular monument is notable because it was erected by a famous personality of the ancient Egypt. The pharaoh ensured that the memory of the famed events in the Egyptian calendar are upheld and remembered through precise inscriptions to deliver the memories of her rule. Egyptian art was not only beautifully precise in nature, but the inscriptions had a meaning and purpose in this case religion and culture. Through visiting museums like MFA and the actual site to view the obelisk, an individual is able to revisit the ancient Egyptian history and be informed of the principal unifying figure. Image retrieved from: Hamburg Monument in Germany German artists Jochen Gerz and Esther Sh alev were accorded the responsibility to erect a monument that upheld the societal values of peace and anti-fascism to be introduced to the German society. The monument was initially intended to be placed in a fancy park to be viewed by the citizens, an attribute that the two refused erecting their piece in a
The Old Testament vs the New Testament in The Scarlet Letter (OLD) and Essay
The Old Testament vs the New Testament in The Scarlet Letter (OLD) and Moby Dick (NEW) - Essay Example The effect of sin upon the human soul is the prevailing theme in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Book: â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†and he examined the unforgiving attitude of the Puritans towards sin in their treatment of adulteress Hester Prynne and their cruel punishment, which is akin to the harsh punishment and judgmental attitude of God as portrayed in the Old Testament. On the other hand, the book â€Å"Moby Dick†was written during the era of Protestantism when people were exhorted rather than coerced into conventional morality, where independence of thought and religion had set in and man was allowed a greater degree of flexibility in the wages for his sin, as exemplified in the New Testament through the teaching of Jesus where even the most grievous sinner could seek and find forgiveness. The quality of flexible thought is portrayed in the differing perspectives of the white whale that are presented in the book, Mody Dick. It may be viewed as an agent of evil or of good, depending upon the perspective of the viewer. This is the essence of the difference between the Old and New Testaments as well. As opposed to the harsh wages of sin in the Old Testament, the New Testament offers forgiveness to those who believe, therefore the wages of sin will depend upon the attitude of the sinner. The contrast between the attitude towards sin that is reflected in the old and New Testament is also revealed in the two works â€Å"Scarlet Letter†and â€Å"Moby Dick†with the former representing the path of the Old Testament and the latter the path of the New Testament. Hawthorne’s book centers around a female protagonist Hester Prynne, whose husband is captured in America and is away for many years. Hester commits adultery but refuses to divulge the name of her partner, who is later revealed to be none other than the priest of the community – Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester is publicly humiliated by the rigid Puritan society
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compare Hatshepsut's obelisk(s) with the Harburg Monument in Germany Essay
Compare Hatshepsut's obelisk(s) with the Harburg Monument in Germany within the cultural context of each artifact - Essay Example The pharaohs erected the monuments to depict their reign showing a form of stability and continuity of the kingdom. The pyramid shaped top, pyramidion reflected the light to indicate the power of their ancient god, Ra to make a reflection to the land. Ancient Egyptians were intensely religious and believed in connection with the supernatural erecting symbols to honor the presence of the gods. In their efforts to create continuity of their rule, the pharaohs erected their personalized obelisk to glorify specific events. In the individual faces of the monolith, there were inscriptions that were made to glorify the pharaoh that erected the obelisk. In this monument, Hatshepsut features the story of her fathers that she honors Thutmose and Amun, dedicating the inscriptions to their memories (Seawright). This structure had been erected to indicate the strong belief in the traditions and honor outstanding societal members that acted as peace symbols. The monuments acted as unifying figures for the ancient Egyptian reminding them the value of upholding respect and discipline (Strouhal, 180). With the rule of the pharaohs, there was the order in the society as the people believed in serving their rulers and the gods would offer them blessings in turn. Today, fragments of the fallen obelisk are found at the MFA, Boston. The monument depicts a king carrying out a momentous event in the Egyptian culture that involved appeasing the gods through offering sacrifice. The female pharaoh of Egypt carried the routine of the society and the entire kingdom by honoring the religious entity of the tribe and ensured continuity of this meaning incised in the famous structure (Brand, 160). The piece, made out of graphite represent an inscription in the obelisk that relayed the god Amun and the figure of the head can be clearly seen. This had been one side of the fallen obelisk that Hatshepsut had erected in honor of their religion and to establish her rule as a dominant female pharaoh who managed to rule the Egyptians during her time. Today, the monument represents a rich tradition and symbol of the grand Egyptian kingdom that unified its individuals to uphold religion and authority. This particular monument is notable because it was erected by a famous personality of the ancient Egypt. The pharaoh ensured that the memory of the famed events in the Egyptian calendar are upheld and remembered through precise inscriptions to deliver the memories of her rule. Egyptian art was not only beautifully precise in nature, but the inscriptions had a meaning and purpose in this case religion and culture. Through visiting museums like MFA and the actual site to view the obelisk, an individual is able to revisit the ancient Egyptian history and be informed of the principal unifying figure. Image retrieved from: Hamburg Monument in Germany German artists Jochen Gerz and Esther Sh alev were accorded the responsibility to erect a monument that upheld the societal values of peace and anti-fascism to be introduced to the German society. The monument was initially intended to be placed in a fancy park to be viewed by the citizens, an attribute that the two refused erecting their piece in a
Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization Term Paper
Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization - Term Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the past, most nations carried out their trade and other operations separately and within their boundaries. However, the development of globalization in recent decades has led to more, economic, social and political integration between nations. The author has rightly presented that globalization has brought with it various benefits to individual nations and communities in terms of economic growth and social development. However, it is evident that globalization has also caused various negative effects, especially to developing nations, for instance, social and economic inequality. This essay discusses that globalization refers to the free movement or transportation of goods, capital, and people whereas liberalization is the elimination or reduction of barriers to enhance free movement of these goods and capital. Due to the swift expansion that has occurred in trade and capital movements, globalization has led to both positive and ne gative impacts. The present research has identified that the main movers of the large increase in global trade and investment, which to most individuals happens to be the chief expression of globalization, have been the global accords to reduce trade restrictions and the instant reduction in the transportation costs, especially the costs of transporting data. These factors have led to the fragmentation or disintegration of industries, a new aspect of globalization.... In this case, some assert that globalization is a contemporary emerging phase while others deem that it has occurred for a long time. Other people argue that whether it occurred in the past or lately, the order and speed of global transformation is exceptional and necessitates an active restructuring of the global institutions of governance (Beall, 2002). To all countries that participate, globalization will continue to have great benefits to them. However, globalization creates pressures causing inequalities in some countries and the need for structural changes in all. In addition, globalization has left some nations more susceptible to the upsets that may occur externally. Therefore, globalization brings forth risk management challenges, which remains unaddressed (Duncan, 2000). Most countries lay the blame on globalization for causing a wide range of problems. Some of the adverse effects that have occurred due to globalization on the social welfare include social problems, which r ange from famine to floods, rural to urban migration leading to overcrowding in urban areas and from pollution to poverty. This means that when two or more countries join together, the social welfare of the two countries will be vulnerable to negative effects leading to decline in the social welfare of the country. For instance, relocation of most industries to the urban areas will cause most rural residents to migrate from the rural areas to the urban leading to overcrowding, pollution and poor disposition of the waste products. However, globalization has brought vital developmental successes. Some examples of these developmental successes include poverty reduction, better services, increasing
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Old Testament vs the New Testament in The Scarlet Letter (OLD) and Essay
The Old Testament vs the New Testament in The Scarlet Letter (OLD) and Moby Dick (NEW) - Essay Example The effect of sin upon the human soul is the prevailing theme in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Book: â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†and he examined the unforgiving attitude of the Puritans towards sin in their treatment of adulteress Hester Prynne and their cruel punishment, which is akin to the harsh punishment and judgmental attitude of God as portrayed in the Old Testament. On the other hand, the book â€Å"Moby Dick†was written during the era of Protestantism when people were exhorted rather than coerced into conventional morality, where independence of thought and religion had set in and man was allowed a greater degree of flexibility in the wages for his sin, as exemplified in the New Testament through the teaching of Jesus where even the most grievous sinner could seek and find forgiveness. The quality of flexible thought is portrayed in the differing perspectives of the white whale that are presented in the book, Mody Dick. It may be viewed as an agent of evil or of good, depending upon the perspective of the viewer. This is the essence of the difference between the Old and New Testaments as well. As opposed to the harsh wages of sin in the Old Testament, the New Testament offers forgiveness to those who believe, therefore the wages of sin will depend upon the attitude of the sinner. The contrast between the attitude towards sin that is reflected in the old and New Testament is also revealed in the two works â€Å"Scarlet Letter†and â€Å"Moby Dick†with the former representing the path of the Old Testament and the latter the path of the New Testament. Hawthorne’s book centers around a female protagonist Hester Prynne, whose husband is captured in America and is away for many years. Hester commits adultery but refuses to divulge the name of her partner, who is later revealed to be none other than the priest of the community – Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester is publicly humiliated by the rigid Puritan society
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization Term Paper
Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization - Term Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the past, most nations carried out their trade and other operations separately and within their boundaries. However, the development of globalization in recent decades has led to more, economic, social and political integration between nations. The author has rightly presented that globalization has brought with it various benefits to individual nations and communities in terms of economic growth and social development. However, it is evident that globalization has also caused various negative effects, especially to developing nations, for instance, social and economic inequality. This essay discusses that globalization refers to the free movement or transportation of goods, capital, and people whereas liberalization is the elimination or reduction of barriers to enhance free movement of these goods and capital. Due to the swift expansion that has occurred in trade and capital movements, globalization has led to both positive and ne gative impacts. The present research has identified that the main movers of the large increase in global trade and investment, which to most individuals happens to be the chief expression of globalization, have been the global accords to reduce trade restrictions and the instant reduction in the transportation costs, especially the costs of transporting data. These factors have led to the fragmentation or disintegration of industries, a new aspect of globalization.... In this case, some assert that globalization is a contemporary emerging phase while others deem that it has occurred for a long time. Other people argue that whether it occurred in the past or lately, the order and speed of global transformation is exceptional and necessitates an active restructuring of the global institutions of governance (Beall, 2002). To all countries that participate, globalization will continue to have great benefits to them. However, globalization creates pressures causing inequalities in some countries and the need for structural changes in all. In addition, globalization has left some nations more susceptible to the upsets that may occur externally. Therefore, globalization brings forth risk management challenges, which remains unaddressed (Duncan, 2000). Most countries lay the blame on globalization for causing a wide range of problems. Some of the adverse effects that have occurred due to globalization on the social welfare include social problems, which r ange from famine to floods, rural to urban migration leading to overcrowding in urban areas and from pollution to poverty. This means that when two or more countries join together, the social welfare of the two countries will be vulnerable to negative effects leading to decline in the social welfare of the country. For instance, relocation of most industries to the urban areas will cause most rural residents to migrate from the rural areas to the urban leading to overcrowding, pollution and poor disposition of the waste products. However, globalization has brought vital developmental successes. Some examples of these developmental successes include poverty reduction, better services, increasing
Chapters 11-16 of the novel Essay Example for Free
Chapters 11-16 of the novel Essay Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley in the late 17th century which depicts a story about a scientist in Geneva who becomes obsessed with creating life. In his journey he comes across some notes of a professor in which specific notions on creating a living creature are contained. With these notes and his wild imagination Frankenstein puts together parts of corpses and revolutionises science by successfully creating a living creature. However, all is not merry, as Frankenstein realises his creation is disparate to human beings but that he has transformed what was once a dead corpse into a wretched monster. After abandoning his creation and later trying to kill it so as to cover up his unworthy work, Frankenstein effectively drives the monster out of his lab to fend for himself. At the end of Chapter 10 the reader is given Frankensteins view of his creation; he says breathless horror and disgust filled my heart at this very point we begin to see Frankensteins dream to create life disappear and the reader is left feeling as horrified and disgusted as Frankenstein, towards the monster. Frankenstein continues his horrid reaction by stating a thing such as Dante could not have conceived this phrase puts to light the actual horror of the monster because Frankenstein states that even Dante, a fantasist of evil, was not able to come up with such a creation. In Chapters 11 to 16 of the novel we see the epic voyage through the eyes of the monster as Shelley adopts the persona of the monster. Shellys portrayal of the monster in this distinguished technique helps us to better understand what the monster thinks and how his emotions change as he becomes more conscious of himself and his surroundings. Our feelings towards the monster change significantly and we begin to see a very different and unexpected side of him. The monster begins by telling us about his first memory of himself; he says that a strange multiplicity of sensations seized me, and I saw, felt, heard and smelt at the same time this portrays the monster as a new born baby learning about the simple senses that all humans use. As the monster introduces us to his first day in the woods he says that I felt tormented by hunger and thirst this illustrates the monster as a normal person who has to feed himself to live. Also the monster tells us feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept here we are able to distinctively see that the monster is no more different than a small child as both cry when they seem to find no remedy for their pain. Also we are introduced to the feelings of the monster which come to play a very important role in his later life. As we become more learned about the monsters feelings and actions we are presented by the more intellectual and able side. He begins by telling as that he is able to distinguish between insects and herbs and continues to show how rapidly he is able to learn by differentiating one herb from another. This shows the immense intellect of the monster and also makes the reader more attached since there becomes a similarity between the monster and humans. The monster tells us that he began also to observe, with greater accuracy, the forms that surrounded me this shows that the monster is able to process his sight with major accuracy and is able to learn about his surroundings easily. He continues to say my mind received every day additional ideas now we are able to understand that the monster has the ability of thought and has an imagination, the one attribute that differentiates humans from all other creatures. As we continue we see that the monster is able to learn physically from its mistakes, I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain this once again represents the human like intellect of the monster being able to assess mistakes so as not to repeat it again. Furthermore, the monster inhabits the nature of cooking as he experiments with his newly found fire, he begins to see that the berries were spoiled from this operation, and the nuts and roots much improved. The actual mental intellectual ability of the monster is portrayed by Shelley as the monster inhabits in the cottage of the De Laceys. Here the monster is educated to the language of his fellow inhabitants who he reluctantly segregates himself due to being in doubt of acceptance from them. The monster begins his quest to understand the language of his company by observing their sound and actions. He says I found that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulate sounds. However we are also presented with the less able understanding of the monster as he struggles to understand the words connected with feeling such as good, dearest and unhappy. This once again clearly exposes the monster with human like intelligence since it needs to be able to experience feelings to be able to understand it. We are introduced to a new member of the family, an Arabian, who is unable to speak the language and thus is taught by her companions and at the same time the monster is able to educate himself as he eavesdrops between the holes in the walls separating his feeble habitation from the familys cottage. The monster learns all his facts and details of humans and logic by listening to the various texts and conversations of the De Lacey family. He says I obtained a cursory knowledge of history it gave me an insight to the different manners, governments and religions of the different nations of the earth. Shelley portrays the monsters thoughts and feelings at this new acquired knowledge in a very intense way. The monster begins to question the very being that he is what was I? I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome. Here we begin to see that the monster becomes evident of his deformity. From the beginning of the monsters tale to the very end we are introduced to the lonely figure and outcast to society that the monster exists as. The first evidence of the social disregard comes from Frankenstein himself, after he realises that he has created nothing but a monster, he abandons his creation and kicks him out of the lab. From then on the monster is faced with negligence from every human who he unfortunately appears in front of. The monster is very adamant at questioning himself to the reality to his being. He says And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant, here we begin to realise that the monster begins to get upset about his lonely being. This interrogation that the monster puts to him leads him to become upset and we see his emotions beginning to cloud his judgement. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all man fled, and whom all men disowned? the monster is able to understand his position in the human society here, as he examines the actual creature that he is presented as to humans.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Advantages Of Online Banking
The Advantages Of Online Banking What is online banking? As we all know online banking is something that we can pay bills by mail and deposit checks at your bank branch. Online banking is becoming much more common. You can pay your bills online and access a record of your checking account transactions online. Online banking is a great feature, and most banks do offer it. Online banking makes everything you do with your finances a bit easier. You can access the information anywhere that you have access to the Internet. It makes your financial life much easier to manage. Online banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products and services through a personal computer (PC) or other intelligent device such as PDA or hand phone which enable to connect to internet or WIFI (Wikipedia, 2009). Moreover, online banking isnt out of change your money habits. Instead, it uses todays computer technology to give you the option of bypassing the time-consuming, paper-based aspects of traditional banking in order to manage your finances more quickly and efficiently. The advent of the Internet and the popularity of personal computers presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the banking industry. Financial institutions have used powerful computer networks to automate millions of daily transactions; today, often the only paper record is the customers receipt at the point of sale. Now that its customers are connected to the Internet via personal computers, banks envision similar economic advantages by adapting those same internal electronic processes to home use. Online banking is a powerful value added tool to attract and retain new customers. Besides it also help to eliminate costly paper handling and teller interactions in an increasingly competitive banking environment. Literature Nowadays, a lot of entrepreneurs launch the internet payment system in worldwide and the inter banking and telephone banking system spread rapidly. This system give the advantages of being convenient, safe efficient and economical (Li, 2002). Now entrepreneurs provide online banking as add-on services to the existing b ranch acitivies whole mobile banking is in the initial stage of implementation (Sylvie Laforet and Xiaoyan Li). Safety was also reported to be a big obstacle for online payment (Wong et al., 2004). With the increasing popularity of the internet, more and more industries are seeking ways to utilize this popular medium in an effort to keep up with the changing technological preferences of their customers. These days you can do just about anything online from grocery shopping to making a free phone call to a friend in Tokyo through your PC. The possibilities of the internet are seemingly endless and the banking industry has decided that it will not be left behind. While most people have at least heard of online banking, the majority of them have probably not tried it yet. Maybe its because we find more comfort in working with real people and real paper when it comes to money matters rather than performing transactions in the seemingly impersonal universe of the World Wide Web. Whatever the case may be, there are both advantages and disadvantages to online banking as a safe way to quickly and efficiently manage your finances. Howcroft et al. (2002) revealed that younger consumer value the convenience or time saving potential of online and mobile banking more than older consumers. Young consumers also regarded the lack of face-to-face contact as less important thean older consumers. They also found among the reasons for consumers to be reluctant to use online services were concerns over security, lack of awareness of online services offered by banks and complex bank sites. The evolution of the bank Web presence is simple web presence (Staticpages with general information about the bank), off-line interactive site (Customized contact with the client; online communication through e-mail) and internet banking services (Online transactions). Sathye (1999) investigates internet banking adoption by Australian consumers and identifies security concerns and lack of awareness as the main obstacles to adoption. Cheng et al. (2006) found perceived web security to be significant determinant of customers acceptance of online banking. Customers tend to increase purchase only if they perceive that credit card number and other sensitive information is safe. Websites are essentially a type of information technology. Direct confrontation is an internet transaction platform. Shopping websites allow customers to choose products based on their own needs and provide businesses with transaction platform through interactive communications to fulfill the transaction (Grace T.R Lin and Chia-Chi Sun, 2009). Entrepreneurial businesses are recognized as more informationally opaque than large and more established firms, and the collection of private information is costly (Ang, 1991). Online banking allows entrepreneurs to lower the transaction costs, incurred by transportation for instance, and access physically distant multiple lenders with much lower searching costs (Liang Han, 2007). Although online banking service is long introduce is western countries and widely used. However, in Malaysia, online banking is not so popular and online being used by certain sector. This might because of technology, knowledge of internet and trust among the consumer and businessman. Types of business using online banking are Bank, E-commerce, Online Game, Public Sector, and Private sector. Bank The concept of online banking rise from the Global Finance Houses whose primary objective was to ensure that customers were tuned to their finances from any part of the world. In Malaysia, Online banking is being introduced during year 2000 (b.shanmugam, 2000). Malaysia had started to introduce online banking to it nation through Maybank. However, during that time, internet is not so popular used and the online banking service is gone through wireless application protocol (WAP). Many complaints are received during that time due to the transmission of data is very slow. However, it has being improved after the encouragement of using broadband by Malaysia government. By introducing online banking in bank, the major functions of online banking is using for transaction. It enables customers to transfer their money to their account or other peoples account. As a result, customers no longer have to bring big amount of money walking around the street. What they just need to do is just one c lick in front of home computer (, 2009), for example CIMB clicks and Beside from that, customer also can use online banking for payment. As online banking is functioned 24hours every day, user can pay their bills any time anywhere as long as connected to internet (Gerard, Cunningham and Devlin, 2006) and the proper function of the bank website. By the way, customers also can check there account status through online banking and any transaction that had being done before. Because of these conveniences, customers no longer have to queue up at the counter to wait for their turn. A part from that, ATM (Baba Prasad, Patrick Harker, 2009) also considers as one of the online banking system where is enable customer to withdraw money, payment, transaction and account checking. E-commerce Beside from the Bank are using the online banking, e-commerce sector also using online banking for their transaction of payment. Nowadays, more and more online store are available in the in the internet such as and many young generation are preferring for online purchasing. Every payment or transactions of money are done through online banking idle through ATM machine or personals computer. Online Game, Public Sector, and Private sector Nowadays, online games also provide online banking service for their customers to top up the credits or purchasing item for their online games. From what can be seing, many online banking website consist of online games advertisement and there will be a column for customers to top up. Beside from that, public sector such as government and private sector such as supermarket or own business also connected with online banking whereby to save time and cost (Banco Bank, 2009). With this service, any corporations or government sector can transfer any of money to others easily and all the transaction will be transfer in data form. Method Online banking products and services can include wholesale products for corporate customers as well as retail and fiduciary products for consumers. Ultimately, the products and services obtained through online banking may mirror products and services offered through other bank delivery channels. Some examples of wholesale products and services include (National bank of America, 1997): Cash management. Wire transfer. Automated clearinghouse (ACH) transactions. Bill presentment and payment. Examples of retail and fiduciary products and services include: Balance inquiry. Funds transfer. Downloading transaction information. Bill presentment and payment. Loan applications. Investment activity. Other value-added services. National banks of America have experimented with various forms of online banking for many years. Some of the early experiments involved closed systems where the customers accessed banks through a dial-in or cable TV connection. These systems limited a banks potential customer base because they required out-of area customers to either incur long-distance charges on their phone bills or subscribe to a particular cable TV service to access the bank. With the widespread growth of the Internet, customers can use this technology anywhere in the world to access a banks network. The Internet, as an enabling technology, has made banking products and services available to more customers and eliminated geographic and proprietary systems barriers. With an expanded market, banks also may have opportunities to expand or change their product and service offerings. Besides, now the most services that the companies use are; easy account maintenance, online bill payment, online balance transfer, accou nt alerts, rewards for going paperless. Easy Account Maintenance Online banking makes it easy to keep track of your balance and the activity of your accounts. For those who have multiple accounts with the same bank, many online banking systems allow for you to see the balances of all of your accounts on a single screen. You can also easily go back and forth between your accounts and monitor their activity with little to no hassle. Online Bill Payment Probably the most widely used advantages of online banking is the ability to pay bills online. Most online banking systems feature this capability, allowing for you to enter in your account information for your billers, to pay them directly from your bank account. A lot of banks even allow for recurring payments to be set up for those bills that remain the same each month such as mortgage, rent, car, and personal loan payments. Depending on the relationship your bank has with the biller your payments can be automatically debited from your account or an electronic check may be drafted and mailed to the biller. Any ways you look at these are all advantages of online banking: save you time, save money on postage, and provide the opportunity to avoid late fees with careful planning. Online Balance Transfer At some point you may find that you have to make a purchase and do not have enough in your checking account to cover it. However, you may have the funds needed in another account such as a savings account. One of the advantages of online banking is the ability to transfer funds from one of your accounts to another. This online banking feature helps to prevent insufficient funds, return check, and overdraft fees on your account(s). A word of advice about transferring from your savings account, try to keep this type of online banking activity to a minimum. Federal regulations prohibit an excess of six transactions from occurring on a savings account within a billing cycle. Account Alerts Another one of the advantages of online banking is the availability of setting up account alerts. Some banks offer account alert set up, where an email or even text message can be sent to you based upon certain criteria you select. For example, if you have a recurring bill payment where an electronic check is drafted and mailed, you could set up an alert to be sent to you advising when the bank has mailed out the payment. Other alerts include, weekly activity alerts, statement alerts, and low balance alerts. These alerts work to make monitoring your account easier. Rewards for Going Paperless All of the focus on going green these past few years, the last in the advantages of online banking list deals with rewards for going paperless. A lot of banks offer rewards in the form of rewards points or cash to help reduce the amount and cost of paper consumption. By opting to receive your bank statements online, increasing the use of online bill payment, and using your bank card more frequently your rewards could rack up significantly and youd be helping out the environment in the process. Improvement Online Banking Essential Security Measures Financial institutions and businesses are studying various approaches to the online banking security problem. The idea behind all the solutions is to include some extra layer beyond the user name and password that would act as a barrier to account access. The most popular approach that is used widely in corporate settings, involves physical objects that serve as keys. Most have focused on solutions using software, which might offer some improvement in security at much lesser cost. Bank of America began introducing a software-based program designed to prevent crooks from impersonating either a bank customer or the bank itself. Financial institutions and corporations engaging in any form of Internet banking should have effective and reliable methods to authenticate their customers. An effective authentication system is necessary for compliance with requirements to safeguard customer information, to prevent money laundering, to reduce fraud, to inhibit identity theft. The risks of doing business with unauthorized identified persons in an Internet banking environment can result in financial loss and reputation damage. There are a many different technologies and methodologies financial institutions can use to authenticate their customers. These methods include the use of customer passwords, personal identification numbers, digital certificates using a public key infrastructure, physical devices such as smart cards, or other types of authentication methods. Existing authentication methodologies involve three basic features: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user knows (e.g., PIN, Password); à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user has (e.g., ATM card, smart card); and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user is (e.g., biometric characteristic). Authentication methods that depend on more than one mechanism are more difficult to breach than single-feature methods. Accordingly, properly designed and implemented multi-feature authentication methods are more reliable and stronger to deter fraud. For example, the use of a login ID and password combination is a single-mechanism authentication (something the user knows) whereas, an ATM transaction requires a multi-feature authentication which is something that the user possesses (example: the ATM card) combined with something the user knows (example: PIN). Financial institutions offering Internet-based products and services should have reliable and secure methods to authenticate their customers. The level of authentication used by the financial institution should be at par level with the risks associated with those products and services that are offered. Risk assessments that indicate the use of single-feature authentication is inadequate, financial institutions should implement multi-feature authentication, layered security, or other controls to reduce or eliminate any risks. Another tip for banking online is to be very aware of Internet banking security. Identity theft is a real and growing problem today. As such, you need to be highly protective of your personal account information whenever doing transactions online. Make sure you never give personal information out over the Internet unless you are connected to a secure site. Also, store your access information in a secure place. Routinely check your computer for spy ware and viruses, protecting your identity this way as well. The important security feature you will want to make sure is in place with your online bank is encryption. Verify that the banking portal has high-end encryption software in place. If not, it might be advisable to choose a different banking option. You can verify this by looking for the graphic, which is usually located at the bottom right of the browser that signifies the encryption is in place. Last tip about Internet banking is to remember that some procedures are still affected by the business hours of the bank. Even if you transfer a balance at 8:00 PM, it may not show up on your account until the next business day. Plan your transactions accordingly if you are working on a tight budget. Use the Internet to shop for the best banking options. Check interest rates on loans and savings accounts online. The Internet can be a great tool in helping you secure the best possible banking services to meet your needs. The history of Internet banking has come a long way over the last six years, and it is only going to get better! Get connected to Internet banking today. Outcomes The Advantages of Online Banking. There is huge competition in online banking service in market and the new entrants into the services are providing huge benefits. First, online banking is convenient. It allows you to perform transactions, pay bills and check balances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The bank virtually never closes because it is as accessible as your PC or laptop computer. No matter where you are in the country or in the world, you can visit your online bank and handle money matters. You can even schedule to pay several payees ahead of time rather than keeping up with paper bills or trying to remember when to visit a payees web site to make an online payment. Your bank will automatically send the payments on your behalf in the amounts and on the dates you specify. For example, online bill payment is easier and less expensive than generating and mailing a paper check. Your bank may offer free bill pay services; if so, this saves the expense of ordering checks and buying stamps. Checks will be generated and mailed by your bank at your authorization. Plus, the checks will have the vendor names directly on your bank statements, next to the amount of the check and check number. This is not true for traditional checks. Meanwhile, online banking is also opposed by traditional bankers because a huge percentage of profit is taken away by the portal providers and the bankers are left to play as brokers who bring two parties together. But there are many online services provided by online banking that eased the customers and the banks. The transactions provided by online banking are cheap as compared to branch service and phone transactions. It is easy to set up a bank and the customers get wide range of banking options online. Online banking services include the provisions for ATMs and anytime anywhere anyhow banking that is also called Martini Banking. The automated service of online banking helps customers to easily set up an account and withdraw money at any time. The customers can get a mini bank statements and balance inquiry through ATMs that are widely available even in remote locations. The online banking service reduces traveling cost of the customer and anytime requirement of money is fulfille d. Many billings can be done from home; office through online banking and shopping can be done without carrying heavy cash in pocket. Banks are benefited from online banking as the overhead operation cost gets reduced and repetitive paper tasks can is prevented. The automated systems have better efficiency and control on a job and a proper documentation of all transactions can be availed anytime by the banks. Thirdly, online banking is fast, efficient and effective. Through the internet, transactions are typically performed and executed at a faster rate than ATMs. In addition, online banks give you the ability to handle several bank accounts such as checking, savings, CDs, and IRAs from one site. The majority of banking sites are also compatible with programs like Quicken and Microsoft Money, so as to allow for more effective management of assets. Moreover, if you need to verify your bank account balance, just signing to your banks online services. No more waiting for the bank statement or calling the bank to get your balance. To get an accurate balance, take the banks balance as shown online, subtract any outstanding checks, and add any outstanding deposits. On the other hand, easily download the transactions like banking and credit card transactions. Download banking transactions directly into our financial software as often as we like. If use the ATM card often, this is a must, because it keeps your bank balance current in financial software. So that wont have to worry about keeping all those debit card receipts. Besides that, it doesnt waste time entering credit card charges by hand download them! This is probably one of the biggest advantages of online banking, since entering credit card transactions manually can be very time consuming. It is ubiquity, because if youre out of state or even out of the country when a money problem arises, you can log on instantly to your online bank and take care of business every day. Lastly, online investment can be profitable if conducted with a bit of caution. Familiarity with a complement as well as procession of online investment is essential. Investing tiny amounts primarily helps to revoke a risk factor. Once we have been assured enough, a amounts can be progressively increased. Online investment should be finished after consummate research. Online investigate can be finished in a remoteness of your home. Other resources, similar to newspapers as well as monetary magazines additionally suggest benefit in tracking investment opportunities. The report accessible online is customarily correct as well as reliable, to confirm upon a volume of investment. The websites have been continually updated as well as a accessible report might have been posted only hours ago. Some conjectural monetary websites suggest quotes which have been merely mines old. Online report upon investment is accessible twenty-four hours a day as well as 365 days a year. While internet banki ng makes it easier for you to manage your money, it might make it easier to forget to check how much you have so you can budget. Online banking is a lot like using a credit card; the easy access makes it easier to spend without thinking about why you are spending. You can set up e-mail alerts to let you know how when your account dips below a certain number, but nothing beats looking at it yourself and keeping your checkbook balanced. Also, when you get a credit-card statement in the mail and open it on a monthly basis, you are instantly reminded to check if any strange charges appear on your account. Its easier to forget to keep track of such information online, and youll need to have good money management habits. Disadvantages Internet banking services provide a number of benefits to businesses sector. But while it also has its disadvantages, businesses who are wishing to join the trend need to know its disadvantages as well. Despite the growing popularity of internet banking, it cannot be denied that some people still remain doubtful doing transactions online especially where money is concerned. Although most of the banks already improve their security services in order to reduce people or businesses doubtful about doing online banking, but there are still a lot of disadvantages about this. Below will be a certain disadvantages for businesses sector. The most disadvantage of online banking in business sector will be a requirement for staff in financial department with skill that deal to the computer and browser. As a staff in financial department has a responsible in task such as accessing account information and bank statements, pay bills that related with business, transfer money from one account to another account or apply for a checking, credit or other types of account or apply for loans or even download forms. All of these tasks may require a particular skill from them to maintenance the interest for businesses. Some of the staff may lack of training and experience to complete all of this tasks. Thus, it will influence the daily work in businesses cannot be progress with more smoothly. Besides that, the increasing number of fraudulent bank websites that created by hacker also can be a disadvantage or risk for online banking in businesses. A fraud banking sites will bring a lot of impact for businesses because it causes the staff in financial department confuse with the fraudulent websites. The purpose of hacker to create fraudulent banking websites was believe to aim to trick businesses disclose their sensitive information. If businesses login into this kind of websites, then the disclosure financial statement or information might be happen. Additionally, it may possible also influence the staff in financial department cannot fully complete variety of task because access the fraudulent banking websites. Thus, it will bring an impact for the overall operation in businesses. Not only for this, fraudulent bank websites that created by hacker will try to send a fake email to some businesses in order to get their confidential information. Hacker will try to verify related company confidential information through guide them enter into fraud links. When businesses not realize that is fake email and access into the fraud links, it might possible disclose their particular account information or password. Hackers can break into nearly any computer system. Any online bank site you consider should have statements on the type of security they use. You should also e-mail the bank or head to the bank branch to find out exactly what would happen if there were a security breach and press the point or go to another bank if the answer is vague. In general, you should think of your money as being as safe online as it would be in a vault, but it is your responsibility to find out just how secure the bank is, if they keep their security systems up-to-date. Finally, you shou ld also make sure that you use security software on your personal computer to reduce the chance that anyone can get your personal data. Furthermore, another disadvantage for online banking that is computer and browser from particular businesses will affect by viruses and worms that hide in the fraudulent website and email. When businesses received some suspicious email and open it or access some fraud some links, a Trojan program named Trojan horse program will install our computer immediately and secretly. This kind of program was hidden in computer and we might not realize it since the program already installed in our computer. When businesses do not realize that and access the fraudulent websites or read the suspicious email, the function of the program will been active and try to capture businesses account and password. Through by this, the hacker can access the account and capture any information about the account. The main issue for most people is that of trust. They may wonder if their transaction went through successfully or if they clicked on the correct button. The best way to overcome this uneasiness is to make a habit of printing the transaction receipt. Keep this receipt until your bank statement or online account view confirms that you have successfully executed the transaction. Online banking sites can also take a while to start up and can be difficult to learn at first. Some banks require customers to provide some form of photo identification in addition to signing a form at one of their branches. Spouses may also have to sign a power of attorney if you both plan to access and handle your accounts together online. In addition to all of this, it may take a while to learn how to use your banking site. Most if not all banks will offer an online banking tutorial. Some even offer live customer support for online banking via chat, email, or phone. Clearly, online banking has both advantages and disadvantages. It simplifies life for some people and for them it is frankly a better way to bank. For others it may be a little more complex and downright intimidating. In light of these two perceptions, more and more banks are offering online banking as a viable option for their customers. Lastly, one of the biggest disadvantages is the absence of a physical location. Being able to make deposits to a physical bank account assures peace of mind; you dont have to wonder if your check is lost in the mail or when its going to be credited to your account. Conclusion Banking is one of the most important parts of our society and economy. Banks provide the basic lending capital for all of the transactions of our economy. Without them we would indeed be in a bad spot. Even with them sometimes we are in it really bad-such as now with the financial crisis, which is really a bank crisis. Without a bank how would you borrow money to purchase a car or a home? By collectively pooling our money in a lending institution we can make life so much easier for everyone around us. This is particularly the case when we dont have a great deal of capital ourselves. Very few of us actually have the money to spend on large purchases. Because banks are so important you need to know about a great new option many of them offer. In our highly technological world there are some great conveniences resulting from the internet. The internet allows us to share large amounts of information with great speed. We can look up all sorts of interesting information, send each other em ails, and write fascinating blogs. Another thing we can do is to look at important banking information and make important transactions. We buy and sell all sorts of things on the internet. Did you know that you can also do much of your banking online? You can check your balance and you can transfer all sorts of money around from checking and savings. There are all sorts of options that online banking will offer you, but you need to know some things about it first. As a conclusion, online banking is very useful to every layer of people in this community. It is more convenient and easy to use. Beside from that, by using online banking, it save a lot of time and cost among each other and people no longer have to queue up in a long line at a counters to wait for their turn for personal or business purpose.
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