Thursday, May 21, 2020
Common Seal - Phoca vitulina - The Animal Encyclopedia
The common seal (Phoca vitulina), also known as the harbor seal, is an agile carnivore with a streamlined body and flipper-like limbs that enable them to swim with great skill. Common seals have a thick coat of short hair. Their fur color varies from off white, to gray, to tan or brown. Common seals have a unique pattern of spots across their body and in some individuals this pattern is more distinct than in others. Their nostrils are V-shaped and can be closed tightly to prevent water from entering their nose when they swim. Common seals do not have an outer ear structure, which helps with streamlining in the water. Common seals occupy the widest range of all the seal species. They inhabit the coastal areas of the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. They can be found throughout the arctic, subarctic, and temperate regions. Their habitat preference includes coastal islands, beaches, and sand bars. There are between 300,000 and 500,000 common seals living in the wild. Seal hunting once threatened the species but is now illegal in most countries. Some populations of common seals are threatened, even though the species as a whole is not. For example, populations that are declining include those of Greenland, the Baltic Sea, and Japan. Killing by humans still poses a threat in these areas, as does disease. Some common seals are killed intentionally to protect fish stocks or by commercial hunters. Other common seals are killed as bycatch by fishing activities. Common seals are protected by various countries by legislation such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (in the United States) and the Conservation of Seals Act of 1970 (in the United Kingdom). Common seals feed on a variety of fish as prey including cod, whitefish, anchoview, and sea bass. They also sometimes eat crustaceans (shrimps, crab) and mollusks. They feed while at sea and sometimes forage long distances or dive to considerable depths to find food. After foraging, they return to resting sites on the coast or on islands where they rest and recover. There are about 25,000 Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richarii) that live along the California coast. Members of this population remain close to shore where they feed in the intertidal zone. On the east coast, Western Atlantic harbor seals (Phoca vitulina concolor) are present on the coast and islands of New England. They spend the winter further north along the coast of Canada and migrate south to the New England area to breed. Breeding occurs in May through June. Size and Weight About 6.5 feet long and up to 370 pounds. Males are generally larger than females. Classification Common seals are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Mammals Pinnipeds Phocidae Phoca Phoca vitulina Common seals are divided into the following subspecies: Eastern Atlantic harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) - Eastern Atlantic harbor seals are found along the coastlines of Europe.Insular seal (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) - Insular seals are found in eastern Asia.Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richarii) - Pacific harbor seals are found along the coastlines of western North America.Ungava seal (Phoca vitulina mellonae) - Ungava seals are freshwater seals that inhabit eastern Canada.Western Atlantic harbor seal (Phoca vitulina concolor) - Western Atlantic harbor seals are found along the east coast of North America.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Career as a Navy Physician - 874 Words
Out of many jobs being a Naval Physician is one of the most rewarding! This job allows extensively trained medics to help our soldiers and those less fortunate at home and abroad. I have chosen this topic because it is what interests me as a future career. A physician is defined as a person qualified to practice medicine which I realize is a very broad definition, but it’s history is very rich. The practice of being a physician can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The first recorded physician was Hippocrates of Ancient Greek who lived two thousand and five hundred years ago, but some of his methods still affect modern practices. Later, other great civilizations followed suit in developing medical theories from diagnosis to†¦show more content†¦Members may also work in the highly acclaimed National Navy Medical Centers within the United States to stay close to home. Among the on land facilities Navy physicians may be sent to work on one of two dedicated hospita l ships the USNS Comfort or the USNS Mercy. At times this career will be stressful, there will be much interaction with others, and may be dangerous but the end result is very rewarding. Navy physicians will work with the most advanced and recent tools and techniques in medicine to allow much safer conditions for you and the patients. In summary a Navy physicians work environment is pretty safe, low on stress, and very rewarding. (Navy Doctor: Move Your Medical Career beyond Routine Physician.) As a military doctor you have a few but important tasks to follow. These doctors must provide top of the line medical care to sailors, marines, service members, their families, and if called upon humanity at large. Other than that you will do what a regular physician does and simply diagnose ailments, treat injuries, and occasionally save lives. Out of routine Navy doctors will work side-by-side on disaster relief efforts with FEMA, USAID, and Project Hope by providing medical care to those people in need. (Navy Doctor: Move Your Medical Career beyondShow MoreRelatedWhat Do I See Myself Doing When I Get Out Of College?1221 Words  | 5 Pagesget out of college? After college there are five careers I think I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. The careers I see myself enjoying is a pediatrician, athletic trainer, high school or college basketball coach, ESPN sports analyst or joining the Navy. The following paragraphs will explain the educational requirements, best college to attend, how many years of schooling, the salary and benefits of each career. Enjoy my paper. 1st career I will talk about is a Pediatrician. I would likeRead MoreWhat Do I See Myself Doing When I Get Out Of College?1314 Words  | 6 Pagesout of college? After college there are five careers I think I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. 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Charitable Organization and British Way Free Essays
The article â€Å"The advert that beggars belief†by Alexander Chancellor is about beggars in India and Great Britain, they talk about how many beggars there are and what they are using their money on when they get some. Many people try to convince themselves that it’s a stupid idea to give beggars money because they use them quite often on many stupid things. Westminster Council making a campaign there says if you give beggars money you â€Å"actually’ are guilty in cause of theirs death. We will write a custom essay sample on Charitable Organization and British Way or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a bad campaign because they give a wakeup call to people and says it is a bad thing to give money to beggars and you should not do it, because you don’t know what they are going to use their money on and if you do It you can cause their deaths. They call you to stop giving them money. 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed In texts. The four texts show the different views of giving charity, there are many ways to donate money today, from when you give a coin to a beggar you see at the streets to end a text on your mobile phone to a charitable organization. The article â€Å"the advert that beggars belief’ has a negative attitude to beggars, In Britain they don’t want to give beggars money because they says It can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps†we hear about the British way of thinking to Improve our own and our families lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. It Is a conservative way to think everyone has to be equal. In the article â€Å"the year of charltalnment†they talked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolle helps to focus on Sierra Leone. 3. Comment on the following statement â€Å"to Improve our own and our families’ lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. †In the text â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps†It Is the Brltlsh way of thinking: to Improve our own and our families’ lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those round us. It Is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are many people there think of this, and many people think that you have to be selfish about this, and don’t give money to beggars. 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief In the form of a letter to the edloter. Summary: Charitable Organization and British Way By Namer going to use their money on and if you do it you can cause their deaths. They call you 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed in texts. at beggars belief†has a negative attitude to beggars, in Britain they don’t want to give beggars money because they says it can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps†we hear about the British way of thinking to improve our own and our families lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is a charitainment†they ta lked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolie helps . Comment on the following statement â€Å"to improve our own and our families’ lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. †In the text â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps†it is the British way of thinking: to improve our own and our families’ lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief in the form of a letter to the edioter. How to cite Charitable Organization and British Way, Papers
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